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Everything posted by YoursTruly

  1. LOVE the Dynasty poster and the Ten Years EP
  2. i LOVE the Camila one
  3. LOVE your Kesha cover
  5. loving the first Kelly cover you posted
  6. love your new covers!
  7. I was jaw dropped
  8. I'm so here for this, can't wait to see the premiere! They're going to address the flash forward they did in the finale
  9. love the Aly & AJ cover!
  10. I think he's a one and done episode for Freakshow, I could be wrong it could be two lol
  11. until

    I don't care what anyone says, I love Down and now Angel
  12. Revival (Re-Issue Sept. 2016) Following the 2015 release of Revival and hitting the road for tour, which would ultimately end early for personal issue, Gomez and her team made the decision to re-release and repackage the Revival album with a few new tracks and revamped tracks that were done for the tour along with a DVD of the show for those who were unlucky with their cancelled show. Disc One All 16 tracks from the original standard+deluxe release (minus the Good For You Remix) Disc Two Feel Me Sweet Dreams (Cover)* You Don't Own Me (Cover) Transfiguration (Cover) Kill Em With Kindness (Stripped) Dead DVD Recorded during the Dallas show on June 18th *Later used for the trailer for the Disney film, A Wrinkle In Time
  13. Wasn't most of the Doll Domination material from her scrapped debut though?
  14. Niall Horan - Slow Hands I honestly had no idea he sang this, I've heard bits and pieces of the song around the chorus but I always forget to Shazam the damn song to remind myself to search for it
  15. Definitely here for that, I'm patiently waiting for a promo with footage
  16. I'll definitely tune in, hoping for the best lol
  17. That's so random for it to do, I was gonna suggest to delete from iTunes and re-add them but you've already done so, maybe try just creating an AAC version of the track through iTunes and see if the track does it still
  18. That's true and I'm living for that setlist
  19. Here for it! I was surprised that Rebellion wasn't thrown in on the Deluxe or Japan editions
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