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Everything posted by Hyuksbf

  1. Kim Petras - Can't Do Better
  2. Kim Petras - Heart To Break
  3. I can't believe i paid this masterpiece of a song dust but i have seen the light and it actually led me do make this cover/it's backing and two more kim petras covers. I'll post one tomorrow and then the next the day after just in case i decide to do backing for those two as well. Kim Petras - Slow It Down
  4. where did you find the 1999 logo?
  5. Sophie - Sunscreen (Feat. LIZ)
  6. I've started this one a while ago but it looked really plain without all the textures plus a flat version of the LIZ logo from her When I Rule The World cover so i updated it today with the more 3-D version of the logo and some textures. Liz - Ponytail Since the tkay version also leaked i also decided to do another version with the added feature Liz - Ponytail (Feat. Tkay Maidza)
  7. I am obsessssssssed with kim's halloween ep and when she posted that last spooky edit i just KNEW i had to make a cover with it. i don't usually do covers without text but it felt pretty strong without the text. but I also wanted one with text so i made this one with a sticker
  8. and i'm back with another charli cover this time the unreleased bop - sweetest drug
  9. I'm a little late on really listening to Daddy Knows but now i'm totally in love with it. I haven't seen anyone make a cover for it so i decided to make a simple one since i needed something for it badly. Also with the leaks of some of charli's stems someone went ahead and made an edit of Roll With Me as it's played during charli's POP2 shows and i couldn't leave it coverless
  10. Kim Petras - All The Time (CAN WE SAY A BOP!!!) originally i wanted to keep it in line with my choker cover, kinda like how she's doing with the actual single covers, but then i was like i've done this like three times already lmaoo although i just might make another Faded one in this style with the actual color to keep the theme idk we'll see lmao. so i decided to make this alternate version also ctfuuu at me doing these in class and not paying attention to what we were gonna do in the class
  11. I actually really like Brooke X Liz's With You that leaked recently so i decided to make a cover for it so it doesn't look ugly and uncovered on my itunes
  12. Since the only covers for Sophie X Brooke Candy's Oh Yeah just aren't it i decided to make one
  13. I've been wanting to make a cover for Not So Bad In LA since i saw this picture. Hope you guys like! also should i've been meaning to post the set of covers i made for all of Collxtion II should i post them?
  14. thank you! Also this isn't really a cover but i wanted to make a little instagram story promo ad for Girls Night Out Hq: http://dbr.ee/QNv9
  15. So i decided to rework the Charli XCX Girl's Night Out cover with it being speculated that it's gonna be the next monthly single and also i've been wanting to make something with the N1A outtakes This was the original i had done first
  16. quick question did you get the "plastic" texture in the corner from charli's after the afterparty vip mix cover? or did you make it yourself?
  17. i thought i'd make a little something to use for that littlemonsteralejandro's Up & Down remake. Also i am so in love with Choker by miss Kim Petras so i made this
  18. thank you! honestly the official one was so tragic i just couldn't not make one
  19. Hello i'm fairly new here and in light of coverlandia being down for quite some time now I've decided to start posting my stuff on here, to actually start using this site lmao anygays here's just some of my most recent stuff
  20. i honestly thought about this same shoot when listening to the song so i looove this
  21. This is literally sooo stunning
  22. Spice Up Your Life/Holler Naked Walk of Life/Outer Space Girls
  23. Inspired by the recent XCX leaks i decided to make some covers so far i have these 2. i really wish there was more photos from this set cuz i feel like it really goes with the sound of the xcx3 leaks Edit: Just whipped out another cover this time from the Number 1 Angel mixtape
  24. the coloring you did on the bad liar and fetish artwork are amazing omg i kinda would love to see them with the titles
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