I agree, they changed her character to fast and they could do a better progression with her, but I guess they had to act fast to team her with Nancy and her personal story was left behind. But maybe we can see a little bit more of that in the next season 😊
I'm also going for the grass type, specially since it's inspiration comes from the Iberian lynx 🥰 But I'm just getting a little bit overwhelmed regarding the number of Pokémon existing... They're going for the 1000! But let's wait and see!
Your welcome! I really enjoy to come to the forum and trying to help everybody, but it's becoming a little bit overwhelming to see fightings around each corner. We have to think that we are a community and we are here to help each other.
Guys, I guess you can relax over this situation. It's not healthy for either sides. At the end of the day, it's good to get new Bonnie songs. Stop with all the hate about the songs. If @bearsbummer was kind enough to share the songs, it's up to him.
Does anyone have some info about this song?
Apparently is called “Tied to You”, but I don’t remember reading much about it
That's amazing! I didn't know that they worked together! The same happened with Sky Ferreira and Kylie, at least the track leaked and it's amazing! Maybe their tracks will leak too in the future
I'm a little bit late to the party 🙈 But thank you to everybody who's been helping to get all her material from EPIC! I just hope that we get all the songs pretty soon!