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Everything posted by TraderMusic

  1. Blackout is still a brilliant album. It hasn't aged at all!
  2. When will Taylor & Katy?
  3. Probably Joanne & Rainbow
  5. Wait what is this about lol
  6. Also why do people say Witness flopped? It sold well enough
  7. But other then that no she's still staying
  8. Or a PRISM Era lol
  9. She needs another Teenage Dream era
  10. Also Witness is underrated
  11. No, Swish Swish is a bop
  12. Haven't got any
  13. No
  14. What?
  15. Better then Gypsy? Better Then Fashion It wasnt even competing against either of them , Its assumed to be fighting against MJH (Mary Jane Holland)
  16. Some More Tracks Weather Man (Lyrics Unknown No Leaks)
  17. I got one more i dont know if its been mentioned by theres a Cake Like Video
  18. Hell No Kesha Needs more support
  19. Oh ok i got that idea from Gagapedia Which had a bunch of tracks Like: Temple Tea Onion Girl Medusa Cake Like Lady Gaga I wanna be with you ETC So yeah lol
  20. Isnt there a Medusa Demo For ARTPOP Act. 2 Aswell? God were missing alot of songs appareantly around 90 recorded 15 On original ARTPOP And unknown how many that might of been on Act 2
  21. Lol thanks it wasnt really a great video she and the guy was just on like a rotating plate. Defiantly not a bad romance
  22. Poor Kesha ;( #PrayforKesha
  23. There was also a : Don't give up video
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