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Everything posted by cocomong

  1. I dm’ed them & they’re figuring out if she’ll be at the rescheduled date. Thank god I waited, I knew something would happen
  2. can someone post the bonnie discord link again, i got a few people who wanted it
  3. @Lucas M this thing. i only found out about it from this post so i still don't know much about it other than she's supposed to perform something. could be her own music or something they made for this event 🤷🏽‍♂️ i'm only going cuz i'll be in the area this month
  4. the only reason im waiting till the last min is because the people having the event are begging people to buy tickets lol. So i don't want to buy it & lose out on money if they cancel. So i'm pretty sure i'll be able to meet her lol
  5. not at all lol, but i'm curious to see what she'll do. I'll buy my ticket the night before tbh.
  6. I decided to make the long ass 30 minute commute to see her Friday. Will I follow through with it? We’ll see…
  7. American girl bombastic i want it all thorns maybe one more song? Like I can’t imagine her straying off the cookie cutter setlist
  8. yeah i was like wha exactly will she be doing??
  9. September 22nd is the last day of summer but i will be giving her until maybe mid august? around the 15th
  10. so june 21st is approaching! aka the first day of summer. should we start placing bets & see who gets the date right on either the release or the delay post?
  11. This is so just so funny to me cuz it’s the 3rd time he’s done this
  12. Alex lied about co-writing a song with Camilla cabello so….
  13. oh sorry i meant an UNtagged leak. only the one with the tag leaked
  14. as far as i know i don't think there is a leaked one. unless i missed it??
  15. also rip FaceMart ❤️🥺 she was iconic
  16. it was just so much more convenient to get leaks, but yeah i hated that they'd kick you off for not being active. like babe sorry i cant post every 2 seconds?
  17. it's...giving facebook but im here for it? let me check the marketplace for some songs
  18. is his album out or is this part of his queer baiting to get promo? he can bait all he wants he unfortunately has me hooked
  19. oomf just dm'ed me that bonnie said if we stream the album enough she'll make vinyl
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