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Everything posted by cocomong

  1. There’s also this hairy daddy on a cover for horrible music yet again https://open.spotify.com/track/0vIeXoHSEYlXhxAQrE2W0O?si=Nq7KrJ2dRhS9n3a_4BB9Lg
  2. The way I bought Death Grips’ “No Love Deep Web” on vinyl because the album cover is the drummer’s dick pic 💀 I wanted to start a collection of vinyl with album covers or gatefolds with male NSFW art but there aren’t that many 🤔 well that I know of
  3. Poseur Is Robyn the bank (the girl in the AG mv)
  4. do we have any tea on these? The songs with the titles leaked and they were NOT these bops.
  5. Album bumped to January according to her TikTok comments
  6. Also i mentioned this in the discord but it got ignored. The fan she talks about & was in the WY video is alyssaexler on insta. Not the tattoo girl.
  7. Deleted video that only screenshots remain
  8. i tried to play them both at the same time as best as i could and i don't hear anything differently about he vocal take, so i'm not sure why one says alt vox
  9. That was debunked as a complete accident by Bonnie herself. But I would love that
  10. can i get a link to SGGH final please that's if it's leaked
  11. What’s the difference?
  12. and the fact that she herself said this was a mistake
  13. Thinking about how we never would’ve heard rewind if that one video didn’t exist. I think only 2 of Jenny exist.
  14. If she chooses to name i after a song on the album i think Forever 21 is THE song it should be named after. It perfectly captures the whole entire feeling of the record and perfect visual of it all. To me personally it kinda just makes sense & rolls off the tongue. Unlike say idk Hot City or SLAY. The only thing that would be conflicting would be the store forever 21???
  15. I was going to say something but after reading the highlights of the podcast…what’s the point. There’s nothing to be said anymore lol. Stream forever drunk!
  16. A scrapped album by a band at the time called VersaEmerge that was in the middle of transitioning into VERSA after parting ways with Fueled By Ramen. This album is basically another "Epic Album" to me. Where just like Bonnie McKee the songs were performed, fortunately some of them were released but we just never got the full album. The first songs were released back in 2012 with an unknown released date for the full album. All we got was "Another Atmosphere Preview" which is still available on streaming. These to me were VERY promising and very different than a lot of things i would listen to in that time, with amazing visuals to match. Preview: It's been so long since then and we still don't have the rest of the album. I wonder if anyone on here happens to be a fan or ever was and has any of these songs? OR if you know certain people that can get into a certain thing and get them for us that would be amazing. i just wouldn't know what pub site it would possibly be on. And just like Bonnie Thee McKee we also had a fucking board with a tracklisting but i can't seem to find it anywhere.
  17. And she also promoted some other shit.
  18. Does anyone know if hot city (final) has the guitar solo bridge that she performed live?
  19. I'm going to need that 2014 IFCY if shes doing this to them 😐
  20. It’s so funny to me how Bonnie was so persistent to change the line about the silver cans yet everyone has been loving that line since peach started teasing it a long time ago.
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