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Everything posted by Whoknowsmehere

  1. Britney was invited to speak in front of a Senate panel on the subject of conservatorships.
  2. Due to my security settings I am unable to view the twitter link. Are these the pics you are all discussing?
  3. And this is news? Why? My guess is, that unless you watch this show, which I never have, then you probably have no idea who he is. I guess what I am saying is, that, I have no idea who he is.
  4. Ok. I will ask around and see what I can come up with. No promises. But I do enjoy the hunt.
  5. There's always a way to find stuff. Well. Maybe. :). Do you know who the photographer Was? Or perhaps, what the name of the photoshoot for this was. I'd be happy to give it a try finding these for you, if you can help with a little more info?
  6. It's Hollyweird. If it lasts a year, I will be surprised. Just speaking the truth. Plus. I have never heard of this Dalton Gomez dude.
  7. I was just thinking that I hope someone makes a better cover than the one that comes with the official release. And Lo and Behold, someone did. Thank you. I like this one much better.
  8. The only games I play, are head games with people who are easily triggered. Dammit. I do miss Joan sometimes. ?
  9. Thanks guys for the feedback. I have some vacation coming up. And I plan on being very lazy during it. Maybe I will do a little binge watching.
  10. I know that I am probably a minority of 1 here. But I have never seen a single episode of this series. I hear a lot of people talking about it. Even at work. But to be honest, I have had no desire to check it out. Is it really that good?
  11. I am a bit shocked to be honest, that, as great of a member you are here, that you would feel the need to make a post such as this. Dude. You do not owe anyone an apology, or an explenation as to what, and why you post what you do. Your posts are a welcome sight on this board. Speaking for myself, I appreciate your contributions. I don't know who it is that asked you to stop "posting everything you find on dbree"? And as someone who does not hold back his opinions, I say, SCREW them. Post away my friend. Post away.
  12. I heard that she put up a $500,000.00 reward. in my case, it would be more of a bounty than a reward. My dog is part if my family.
  13. You can use https://loader.to to rip the song in mp3.
  14. To be honest, I have no idea if this includes everthing. This was shared over at sharemania by another member in 2016. I downoladed it in 2018. If I had to guess, I am sure that others have come out since then. But that is a guess.
  15. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9204751/Grammy-nominated-musician-Sophie-Xeon-34-worked-Madonna-dies-sudden-accident.html
  16. Not gonna freak. I just think it is ridiculous that anyone would even consider paying so much for one song thar will more than likely be leaked for free at some point.
  17. For one freaking song? Anyone that would pay that much for one song has to be out their DAMN Mind.
  18. Aly & AJ - Listen!!! (2020) Aly & AJ - Potential Breakup Song (Explicit) (2020) Aly & AJ - Slow Dancing
  19. I don't care either. I have never been there. Happy 2021!
  20. Requiures you to disable your AD Blocker. I think I will pass on that. There are other forums for getting music from. Reddit also has a few subreddits. One is r/riprequests. There are also opendirectories if you have the time and the patience to find them. And then of course, there are other music sharing forums as well.
  21. I look forward to what you have to offer. Thank you.
  22. That's one Weekend I will be skipping. I'm pretty sure that I will have other things to do.
  23. I am not above admitting when I am wrong. I was wrong. Thanks for bringing that part to my attention. Even smart people like me make mistakes. :) https://www.850wftl.com/realclearpolitics-does-not-have-biden-winning-pennsylvania-or-presidency-yet/
  24. They have been around for years and have been calling/projecting presidential elections for 20 years. Again, I do not have any idea who is going to ultimately win this election. The odds as of right now, are still in Biden's favor. Good or bad, I will let each person decide for themsellves. Although, I am sure that most people on this site are hoping for a Biden Victory. And those that aren't, (and statistics would tell you that yes, there are probably some people on here that voted for Donald Trump) will probably keep quiet out of fear of being blacklisted. Sad, but true. 28% of LGBT Americans Voted for Donald Trump According to New York Times Exit Poll https://gayexpress.co.nz/2020/11/28-of-lgbt-americans-voted-for-donald-trump-according-to-new-york-times-exit-poll/ That is a 14 percent gain over last time, if this article is correct. That is quite a large bump. That is yet to be determined.
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