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Everything posted by Newtooz18

  1. Ok guys, drunk Darren has entered the building and I have to say...this is Bonnies fault. She released her ONLY album in 2004...almost TWENTY years ago. She has the vocal skill, songwriting skill and beautiful looks to be a success but fear seems to be holding her back. I have SEVEN albums worth of (mostly) fantastic music and with a few tit tweaks here and there, the remaining songs would be pop perfection. A few days ago someone was saying `please don't share these songs' but we have been loyal and we have been patient for almost two DECADES!! The babies need to be fed and Mama is refusing us her breast to suck on so we will have to milk the cow ourselves.
  2. That is because many people can simply be described as sluts.
  3. Not sure how controversial this is as people mainly seem to be squirting their sex piss over Femme Fatale but Wild Heart is the BOP from these recent leaks
  4. The solution is for everybody to shre what this wench has ever recorded to speed up the process...
  5. I personally think that somebody knows how much this song is sexually desired and are waiting until all these other songs have leaked before finally gives it to complete the collection. Or it still holds a lot of weight with the buying and trading community.
  6. The last time I went to the gym Bonnie was probably in the studio recording Trouble
  7. Thank you for sharing!
  8. Gracias! This gave me morning wood.
  9. Thank you for the suggestions, I will check them out. I am also originally from the UK nad have never heard of this best before
  10. What country is she from and what are her top 5 songs in your opinion?
  11. On a side note, Drunk Darren has just noticed that this iconic 20000 page bible was staeted in 2016 by a poster named Muri, have they died of old age waiting for the leaks?
  12. I was confused as I didn't know what a Lolene was so then I searched the interweb and see she released some songs 12 years ago? I have only listened to 1 song so far R,ich,and what a TUNE!! I love that era of pop & R&B and she reminds me a bit of Livvi Franc who I fucking adore. Now listening to Bite your Tounge and feel my dick getting hard.
  13. That reminds me of a time almost 20 years ago when I was a teenager - my ex and I went to Spain on holiday to Spain and bought two of the same lesbian porn DVDs as his mother and my best friend were lesbians (it was meant to be a joke) but we watched the DVD for shits and giggles and it was all lesbo porn until the last scene which involved a masked man and a VERY young girl so we took it straight to the police station explaining that the gays had accidently bought the lesbians child pornogrophy. That was a weird conversation!
  14. Hi handsome! Are you looking for something specific? I will try and find a way to share wid u'
  15. Yuck, I hope that is not the reason. What a sick world we live in.
  16. Ah ok, I am in Brazil
  17. It seems to be working for me, no issues. I don´t use a VPN. Sometimes the server goes offline temporarily and then comes back again in a few hours or a day or two - I assume that is what has happened here
  18. There may be some songs or remixes that other members may not have https://tainhactre.net/searchs.php?q=Bonnie+McKee&type=bai-hat
  19. Você perguntou em um fórum aberto, então, por favor, chupe meus peitos duros e frios You asked on an open forum so please suck on my cold hard tits
  20. That's none of your business.
  21. Sexy sir (or sir-ess), I salute you!
  22. As for you, young man, I have read your posts today - in my drunken state - and I think I love you. I will respond properly tomorrow when the booze wears off and the marijuana kicks in. Or vice versa.
  23. Sorry I forgot to respond to this, I never experienced homophobia myself but I was always advised not to be "affectionate" in certain places (I have woolloongong in my head but I may be wrong about that), it is more what I remember reading in the news about how Home & Away tried to do a same sex relationship with a female cop and another character (I think Charlie and Joey??) and people complained so much the story was abandoned after one episode showing them kissing? Obviously Neighbours (R.I.P) has been a lot more progressive with gay, lesbian and trans charachters in recent years but viewership is down and is now being axed after 37 years due to low ratings while completely non homosexual (or scarcely black) Home and Away still has continued success shows the backwards thinking of the population as a whole? I remember loving The Secret Life of Us and remembering they had a gay guy (the bar manager) who was literally just the token gay. On the other hand talking about racism, I have heard many Aussies (including the people I was sharing a house with refer to black people as "wogs" - even if they didn´t seem like naturally obvious racists - it seemed like just a cultural norm to refer to black people as that as easy as English people refer to Indians as "pakis" (even though they are from India and not Pakistan or the Chinese as "chinkies".
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