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Everything posted by Newtooz18

  1. Did you not see the list with 80 unleaked songs? Plus the ones we don't know about...
  2. Not my favourite Bonnie song but the lyric from Sabotage ' had a match in my pocket, so I lit it and dropped it' is just pure poetry that would make Willy Shakespeare jelly
  3. Thank you for sharing but are you interested in my suggestion of selling the songs to donate money to Ukraine?
  4. A vault is the same as a safe that you get in a hotel room - where you lock away your valuables so nobody can steal them. Queen Taylor Swift releases songs from the vault on her re-issue albums, songs that have been hidden from the general public for years.
  5. Yeah Sayonara (alt) is like when the workers at the supermarket are offering free samples of cooked meat while you shop. Yes I could have the sample but I am not fussed either way.
  6. Ok, so just to confirm...you don't have ANY of the 80+ songs on that list?
  7. @tropicalian @Removed Account / @account removed (not sure which username) How many songs do you have from the list that are not commonly being brought or sold?) you don't need to give titles, just an average number of how many songs can be brought?
  8. Who is the member on here that speaks to her in her DMs? Could you ask her to 'sell' whatever she definitely won't release and we will donate ALL the money to Ukraine and she could match our donation which would be good publicity for her?
  9. Thanks and wanks in advance!
  10. So Drunk Darren has had a thought, I would assume at LEAST half of these songs are out there. I get people like to trade or sell but there are many people that are not in a financial position to enter that world but as a one off, could we make a group effort to buy a complete batch of whatever is available but the money wouldn't go to a person or people individually but instead donated to a charity for the people of Ukraine?
  11. Thanks for the updated list - I can´t math on a Sunday (or any other day) but did I count right that there are still 82 (!!) unleaked songs out there in the BonnieVerse??
  12. Thanks, i will check as Spotify here in Brazil has a lot less than other countries
  13. I actually woke up from a little power nap to see the new leaks and got morning wood (the early afternoon mix)
  14. Hey gays, for those that haven´t seen it @Ashley OO has leaked 5 new Bonnies in the latest leaks thread. Yesterday he, she or they/them requested Crash by Winter Gordon and I would really like to help them out after the sexiness they have shown this Sunday. Does anybody have it to share please?
  15. Forgot to say that Hilary (up the) Duff has the vocal talent of a drag queen perforning Geri Halliwell songs after drinking bleach for breakfast.
  16. This is an interesting topic and I have been thinking about my opinion on certain artists and the state of the musc industry in general 1. Madonna CANOT sing. She is there for shock value and entertainment purposes only. 2. Livvi Franc should have been more successful than Rihanna (or both equally successful) Rihanna is a performer only whereas Livvi is a singer and songwriter as well. 3. Katy Perry is as fake as the tits in Hollywood, if her first 'christian' album had been a success, she would still be following that path but she chose commercialism. 4. Jo and Rachel should've shared the main vocals in S Club 7 with Bradley and Jon contributing more. 5. Ellie Campbell (Wikipedia bitches) should have released at least 39 albums https://mega.nz/folder/R3IRzQyS#jv6aYiRvX9yYAXYaAGlYVg 6. Christina Slaguleria would be the biggest bitch on the planet if she has HER voice and Britnets personality
  17. I had such high hopes for her but I have completely gone off Slut Petras after the Dr. Puke controversy and the absolute whoring of herself in her music.
  18. Has that remix been publicly shared?
  19. Yes they are and noo its not.
  20. If you are having problems liking Thorns, Mad Mad World or any other Bonnie songs, I would recommend discussing this with your doctor and asking him to prescribe you some excstacy tablets (preferably in pure form) take 1'2 of these 30-40 minutes before listening and you will soon start to feel better again. Hope this helps.
  21. #JusticeforThorns(LeYouthRemix)
  22. I think it was meaning to say leak Right Now, not that it has leaked.
  23. First rule of business - always offer a pre-cum first, Elon Musk taught e that. Its where Richard Branson failed.
  24. How is this for a dea? If somebody leaks Now or Never or Die Happy (For @Theprettyymess, i will leak so much milk from my tits that you could feed an African village for 2-3 weeks?
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