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Everything posted by Newtooz18

  1. Honestly without knowing too much about you, you seem like a decent person who was trying to do the right thing, you have acknowledged you went too far with the other member and have apologized and tried to clarify the reasoning (of which I sympathize - I am sure many of our mental healths have suffered during the Pandemic) and I am also sure that you sharing the leak today would have improved several peoples state of mind, if even only for the day so thank you!
  2. You are welcome although the PM you sent the other dude was a bit harsh. But on the other hand I did see you apologize to @tropicalian and you both attempting to be civil. Cypher is right that we are here for the music and the insults and fighting just leads to unpleasantness, people not wanting to participate in the threads and also reluctant to share what they have in case it results in drama.
  3. Exactly this - I don´t know the ins and outs of the supposed "drama" here but I have seen for the last few months people begging for HMU to be leaked and now we have a member that has been kind enough to give people what they want. Whats the problem there? People are saying "We´ve had these songs privately for ages so you´re not special" - I´d say he is pretty special for sharing to make people happy and not hoarding something that doesn´t belong to them anyway. I understand people trade and even sell songs for ridiculous money and that is their choice but I believe if I have something that someone wants then I will always be happy to share and respect others that do the same. In fact yesterday I tried to give @tropicalian a song they requested in the begging thread - it was the wrong song but the intention was there and now it makes me realize it might have been a mistake to do if the same respect is not returned? @tropicalian not talking about you specifically as it is multiple members that have done this - I am just referring to yesterdays incident as a fresh example of trying to provide others with what they have asked for.
  4. No, no, no....THANK YOU!
  5. Thank you so much! LEGEND.
  6. Hi! Are you able to share with me too please?
  7. PLEASE somebody share what they have from FeFe Dobsons Firebird album, it was scrapped almost 10 years ago now|
  8. Never let a few people make you leave something you enjoy. Hit the block button on these bitches.
  9. Unfortunately BeBe Rexhas´best songs are not on Spotify 10 Minutes is a bop and deserves the T Swizzle 10 minute mix
  10. Was just about to ask the same thing
  11. Oh my god! A MILLION wanks and thanks!
  12. Fingers and fanny flaps crossed that someone can!
  13. Ok so I don't think I've ever seen these two songs mentioned as faves but they are mine (in that order) 1. Restless 2. Hey Alligator
  14. Exciting news! Bonnie has officially endorsed the solar panel challenge and has rerecorded the classic 'Hot City (the Climate Change Remix) ' to raise funds for this cause. If you would like to make a financial donation, please PM me for my bank details.
  15. #MeToo Has it ever surfaced?
  16. Hi! Does a masterpost exsist?
  17. Do you still have access to this drive please?
  18. I'm sorry I didn't know any of that, I don't blame you for keeping what you have to yourself if thats the case.
  19. Care to share?
  20. That's not new?
  21. It's not oveer until the flop lady sings.
  22. Is Dbree down because of you Bonnie bopping bitches???
  23. No these are old, I got these last month
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