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Everything posted by liberation

  1. There's really something off about this season. And i can't believe Charlie left, i wish she could make it to the snatch game at least. Trinity did a great job at the lipsync, but the whole thing was so uncomfortable to watch, especially because Charlie really reminded me of Britney in the Femme fatale tour A few months ago a list leaked with the order of the eliminations and so far everything is right Now i'm officially team Sasha Velour. She's been flawless to me since the first episode and i think she has a lot of potential to win the season!
  2. Happy easter PHF! We don't usually celebrate in my family, but i buy lots of chocolate for myself anyway
  3. Loved your covers, especially the one for Speak My Mind!
  4. Can't believe i finally got my iTunes copy of this!
  5. This was the first episode of the season that made me really excited. Either way i have to say i was so shocked and annoyed that Sasha was considered only safe in this challenge. I've seen some videos of Aja performing in a few clubs and she really slays in the lipsync, but i'm not impressed about anything else she brought so far. By the way, did you watched the untucked episode? lol i can't believe Aja invented jealousy, it was really tragic (even though i think Valentina seems to be sooo fake sometimes). Still waiting for more screen time for Charlie! I'm so afraid that she will be another underrated contestant of this show
  6. I thought the same! In 2 weeks the album is going to be 1 year old, so maybe we'll get a surprise
  7. What a queen She also invented feminism
  8. I was really shocked when i heard that the season 4 will be the last Seems like a big waste of potential to me... Anyway, at least the show is ending with Sana, she's one of my fav characters!
  9. I think 'The Sweet Escape' might be my favorite Gwen song ever! What an ANTHEM Nelly Furtado was always popular here, but 'Say It Right' was really another level for her career, i still listen to this like it's a new song What about 'Girlfriend'? Definitely one of the most important songs of my teenage years! Tbh 'The Best Damn Thing' is one of my favorite albums ever 2007 is definitely one of the best years in pop music. Besides the bible 'Blackout' there was also a lot of incredible albums like 'X' by Kylie Minogue, 'Dignity' by Hilary Duff, 'Change' by Sugababes, 'Spirit' by Leona Lewis, 'My December' by Kelly Clarkson, and a lot more that i could spend the whole day talking about. Today we have to deal with things like The Shitsmokers and Bruno Mars, which is kinda depressing to me
  10. We can't forget this one!
  11. I just started to look at this topic from the first page and couldn't stop! Your covers are really great I'll definitely use the MKS ones, and i'm dead that you made the official cover of Summertime by Amelle I loved it back then
  12. I love Cynthia and i'm really happy that she's back on the show. I was a bit sad that Jaymes left because i wish she could show us a little more and honestly i think that her lipsync was so much better in terms of fitting into the song. I still don't have a big favorite, right now it might be Charlie just because of her Lana Del Rey impressions, but i kinda interested to see what Valentina and Nina will show us through the season.
  13. I think that eventually she'll release a platinum edition like she did with her self-titled
  14. I've loved all the songs so far Really can't wait for this!
  15. So excited for this! Their whole discography is amazing, can't wait to hear what's coming next
  16. This song is SO beautiful Have you ever heard this one? It's not acoustic at all but i find it so relaxing and it kinda makes me reflect about some things. I don't know if that's what you're looking for, but who knows
  17. Pode deixar, vou fazer uma divulgação tour!
  18. That's so weird, another track i never heard about! Thank you
  19. Quem aguenta bicho, nem acredito que ela perdeu várias oportunidades de fazer uns lives de Just Luv Me pra cantar um monte de músicas do In the Zone
  20. I really think they dropped Glory but it's always worth the try. We're talking about Britney, who included Radar as a bonus track for Circus and released it as a single, so anything is possible.
  21. I love this album and never heard about this song before Thanks!
  22. Wow, i just heard this! Great lyrics and amazing production
  23. The single leaked if anyone's interested: http://www72.zippyshare.com/v/WF0w8AyD/file.html Camilla barely sings on it lol, i guess i wouldn't care that much about this song even if Britney was featured on it after all
  24. Since it has Pitbull it's probably an awful track, but i'd like to hear Britney's version anyway
  25. liberation


    I truly love Bates Motel! The lead actors are amazing and the storyline might be a little bit slow sometimes, but the last season was amazing and the current one seems promising. I can't wait to see Rihanna on it! You should give it a try. I love Please Like Me so much! That show is truly relatable and has a unique and sometimes twisted sense of humour, i hope it gets renewed.
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