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Everything posted by liberation

  1. I'm so excited for this! I'm sure that this will be the christmas album of the year to me. She better promote the shit out of this. There's also a supposed tracklist: 1. Jingle Bells 2. Last Christmas 3. You Make It Feel Like Christmas (with Blake Shelton) 4. Let It Snow 5. Never Kissed Anyone With Blue Eyes Before You 6. My Gift Is You 7. Santa Baby 8. Silent Night 9. Under The Christmas Lights 10. When I Was A Little Girl 11. White Christmas 12. Christmas Tree
  2. I was having kind of a hard time to like any of the characters, but at this second episode i realized that i'm starting to like Sarah's character. Why every single one of her roles suffers so much tho? The last week episode was extremely predictable, but i was really entertained and wishing it wouldn't end so soon! Now i can say i'm excited for the season.
  3. lmao i don't think so. I have lots of issues with Gaga, but i truly think she cares too much about her fans to do something like this
  4. This is the most insane thing i've ever read but i'd be totally here for this mixtape!
  5. So... Am i the only one who didn't like the first episode at all? Sarah and Evan acting was on point tho as usual
  6. Hey dear, happy birthday! :yaskween: Wish you all good things, love you lots <3 

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Thank you so much for being the first to say this! :fishie: You mean the world to me baby, I love ya! <3 

  7. Halsey - Hopless Fountain Kingdom Marina and The Diamonds - MATD4 Camila Cabello - The Hurting, The Loving, The Healing Little Mix - LM5 (I hope they won't release anything this year because they seriously need to take a break) Justin Bieber - B2 (im not counting My World + Believe bc eww) Melanie Martinez - MM2 I don't think that Louis, Ariana or Shawn will release this year tbh. What do you think about Selena? Like, i'm looking forward to it, but so far she didn't had any big hit for it. Will her label release it anyway or wait to drop a new single and see what happens? If it's the first option i think we can expect an october release, if it's the second, i think they will wait a while instead of releasing it with Taylor.
  8. The Mollie King cover! I only didn't like the 'Glory Days' cover that much, idk, seems like their picture didn't fit the background very well. The Girls Aloud 'Neighbours' is way better than the official, which looks like a cheap porn dvd cover. The 'Chemistry' cover is originally one of my favorites ever because i love that picture, and you managed to make it even better!
  9. I kinda think that this Elijah has a point It's kinda basic to use a fat person only for food jokes, no matter what kind of exposure they got. I don't know, if this era keep going it will be messier than Bionic or ARTPOP, she's going through such an incredible downhill, it's shocking
  10. She has done very questionable things this era, but she truly ended herself with that album Honestly, some of the songs grew on me, but most of them are performed in a very boring way, which makes me kinda mad, especially the ballads. I'm curious to see how's gonna be with her next album, will she wait a few years to try a comeback or will she rush another album with the sound her fans bought in the past? I can't even imagine what's gonna be the next single or if her label will at least bother to release another. I'm glad that this tragic album gave us Witness, Hey Hey Hey, Roulette, Swish Swish and Tsunami tho Chained to the Rhythm and the solo version of Bon Appétit are decent too, the rest was erased of my memory.
  11. I'm so here for this! This is one of my favorite sitcoms and i hope that this won't flop. All of them still looks very good too
  12. I really enjoyed it but i kinda miss the guy's voice lol
  13. I miss when most of the albums had iTunes LPs, i haven't seem these in a while
  14. Your articles are so beautifully written, i can't! This song is really heartwarming and beautiful, i'm curious to hear the full album.
  15. Oh no, Kathy Bates is one of my favorite things of this show
  16. i'm happy for her tbh. Hopefully we'll have a new album in the first semester of 2018.
  17. That comment about the nipples And yeah, that music thing just shows how tragic she is
  18. What do you guys think about that? I really agree when she says people don't care about things that don't affect them, but all the rest is shit She's destroying her public image with these stupid comments and i'm here for it tbh
  19. I don't hate Coven as everyone, but i do think that Hotel was a disgusting season, except for that trans character which i forgot the name and kathy bathes because she always delivers. Roanoke was incredible and this better keep the level, i'll try no to get too excited.
  20. Amazing article omg! The song is great and different of all the songs she has ever released as a lead single, and hopefully it will get its deserved success. I confess that i forgot to watch the video though hopefully i'll remember to do it later today.
  21. Either way 'Warrior' is still one of my favorite albums ever and i don't think that Kesha will ever top that in my heart even though we know now all the things she's been through while recording it. For lots of reasons this album is really special to me and Thinking of You, Wherever You Are and Last Goodbye will always remains as jams. Dying at the Dua and Rita Whora shade I wouldn't be surprised if rita releases an album that style in 6 years when her 3rd record was delayed 46845 times and no one cares about that kind of song anymore, since her stuff always sounds so dated
  22. Back when gaga released joanne i was ready to listen to a shitty album, but i was surprised to like it, only the bonus tracks are forgettable and million reasons is annoying, if i didn't had any kind of dislike through her person i probably would really have listened to this album lots of times. As you said tho, something about this era was really out of place and insincere (maybe that's been my problem with her because i think that she always tries tooo hard with her concepts). Kesha did an amazing job with Rainbow and it really sounds as a honest record, i'm proud of her and also happy that she could finally release that album. I really enjoyed Malibu, but Inspired was forgotten by me two days after it was released, i'm still excited for the album though and hope that she explores different kind of sounds on it. I can't imagine any other mainstream female pop singer going to this sound though, or at least it would be really weird, at least Kesha and Miley have some roots that brought them until these albums, which makes them sincere (Gaga wishes )
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