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Everything posted by spicyhot

  1. Looking forward to a new Leona album. I hope it actually happens
  2. I've missed your covers. They're always amazing
  3. Nice. Thanks for posting. I never heard these clips.
  4. I haven't heard this clip. Do you have a clip to shared?
  5. Your designs are amazing. Do you do this professionally? If you don't, I think you need to consider a change of career.
  6. Thanks for the update.
  7. Welcome! What new songs did you find? I hope I haven't missed any leaks.
  8. Thanks for doing this. I can just imagine how brilliant these tracks are.
  9. Yes please if possible.
  10. Me too if possible.
  11. I so want these to leak. I'm dying to hear them.
  12. Is that an old track or a potential song for her new album?
  13. I found this website which might help. You can only stream but it has worked well for me. I’m still shocked that I have to stream the episodes online because they’re not been broadcast on TV in my country yet. http://newepisodes.co/
  14. I agree. I felt the first couple of episodes felt a bit stiff but they are getting better. The latest episode (S9E4) brought a little tear to my eye.
  15. So exciting!
  16. I think this is a grower. It’s definitely peaked my interest. I want to hear it again on my PC rather than my Smartphone.
  17. I can't wait to hear what Karen's has to say.
  18. I have to be honest here too. I only started watching it in the final series and then bought the box set and watched the whole thing. I love the Sporty Spice reference in the first episode. I wish they never cut the Spice Girls reference in the Friends episode (it only appears in the deleted scene)
  19. Can't wait! The clips I've seen so far have been promising.
  20. Have these songs leaked? Love Killer sounds really interesting.
  21. I'd like to see Little Mix
  22. I've watched all 5 episodes so far. It isn't bad at all, i'm glad its not a bunch of kids being self obsessed about looks and getting boys/girls like a other TV shows. Some of the programs my young cousin watches sends shocking irresponsible messages.
  23. Just watched it. Absolutely love Raven and Chelsea, they are both so funny.
  24. I'm not too fond of over the ear headphones too however saying that I was given a pair for Christmas and I'm loving them more and more. You really feel in another place when you're wearing them and the sound quality is so much better.
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