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Everything posted by Lovegoes

  1. Lovegoes


    Nurse Jackie is an oldie but so so good.
  2. Lovegoes


    I personally enjoyed it. While at the beginning of every season I noticed the scenarios seemed jarring you get used to them.
  3. Lovegoes


    Recently been watching the 100. While at some points seems and plot are a bit jarring it's a good show.
  4. Lovegoes


    Seriously would reccomend.
  5. Favorite album of all time def Alex Clare - The Lateness of The Hour
  6. Lovegoes


    Comedy - Izombie Serious - Breaking Bad (Best television series ever)
  7. Dexter. Just to fix that god awful monstrosity of a final season.
  8. Andy Grammer - Remind You
  9. ooh and Bryce Fox - Horns
  10. Michl - Kill our way to heaven
  11. How you have such a large selection of reaction gifs is beyond me.
  12. bout to spam rly old thread sry.
  13. Michl - Die Trying
  14. Anything from these artists?
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