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Everything posted by Capsule

  1. It won't count them all towards actual charting, though, that's where the distinction comes in. It will increase the song's number of streams on the app, but they won't all count toward charting to help stop chart manipulation.
  2. Jeremy Allen White is a pretty successful actor babe
  3. They've released a teaser for their first comeback music video as well!
  4. They're also doing a 4-date mini-tour in Europe at the start of August!
  5. July 12th, 2023... THE BEST TRIO IS BACK!
  6. Yes? Literally labels pay their way into having their artists playlisted quite often. And the rest of the playlist is chosen by random "tastemakers" or whatever you want to call the employees that create them. But, it's not the end of the world if this one song doesn't get playlisted.
  7. I did not say any of that, but go off queen. The fact of the matter is that Spotify is not going to add a song to the playlist just because a SMALL fanbase is badgering them on Twitter. If it were that easy, then the playlist would be a lot different than it is. The song will or won't get playlisted as it grows organically. Not every single new song that drops is on that playlist every week, Spotify picks and chooses as they see fit (and based on who is paying for it). It's just that simple, bud. Bonnie will have her moment when it happens, you can't just expect it to all fall into her lap immediately for a song that's over a decade old and has no real major marketing budget behind it.
  8. baby they do not care if 35 people on twitter yell at them for not adding a random artist to a playlist that's completely arbitrary
  9. Changed my old gay heart for the rest of time
  10. Seoul High Courts have reportedly officially ruled in favor of the remaining 5 members of LOONA and now all 12 members are free! On top of that, it seems the ODD EYE CIRCLE sub-unit will be the first to make their long-awaited comeback! A Kim Lip solo look teaser has been released:
  11. That would be cute, but definitely not happening until the other 5 are free from Blockberry. The 5 still signed to them have slightly different contracts apparently and that's why they're still being held under contract... due to some clause in the contract that only certain members got?
  12. Vivi and Hyunjin have been granted release from their contracts and have signed with CTD E&M, a new label created by a former SM executive who also worked on the LOONA project in the past. It's seeming like a reunion of all 12 members is becoming less and less likely, although it's not impossible to achieve even if they're all represented at different small agencies. But, as it stands, the members are all under contract with the following companies: Modhaus: - Kim Lip - Heejin - Jinsoul -Choerry CTD E&M: - Vivi - Hyunjin ATRP: - Chuu Blockberry Creative: - Haseul - Yeojin - Gowon - Olivia Hye - Yves
  13. I only wish I had the means to adopt more cats! There were so many sweet kitties there, but this little guy really made it clear that we were meant to be family 🥰
  14. Adopted a cat this past weekend! He's already right at home, doesn't seem stressed at all and very affectionate. Meet Tango!
  15. Yeah, you need a decently clean acapella to even attempt them, but the absolute best to have is either HQ stems or pro-tools sessions.
  16. just made this
  17. Group photos have been released!
  18. I feel like they are being very specific using the word "teaser" so that they can keep the buzz going by making people something will come sooner than they plan. It's smart, imo, because they are basically starting fresh. The 4 of them starting out again won't pull back all of their original fans because some people truly are only fans of certain members. So them retaining any amount of buzz they can will be beneficial to them going forward.
  19. Jinsoul, Kim Lip, and Heejin have all had their photos released as well!
  20. Choerry's ARTMS teaser photos have been released!
  21. Jaden Jeong, the original creative director/producer behind kpop powerhouse LOONA, has signed 4 of LOONA's members (Kim Lip, Jinsoul, Choerry and Heejin) to an exclusive contract with his new label MODHAUS. They were teased under the name "ARTMS Project", which has since been confirmed to not be the group's official name. Also, the label has already trademarked the name ODD EYE CIRCLE, the original name of the subunit featuring 3 of the four currently-signed members. The teaser image features the 12 phases of the moon, which has fans hopeful that all 12 original members will eventually come into the project when their own legal battles with Blockberry Creative are finished. The teaser audio calls back to some previous releases, and is thought to be teasing the eventual release of the shelved "LOONA the Ballad" album. It is being rumored that this new project is meant to be a continuation of the lore of the LOONAverse. Not much else is known as of yet, but the four members have already begun recording.
  22. Universal Music Japan allegedly intends to file for exclusive management rights of the group. They apparently have some sort of clause in their contract that states that the group has to continue to fulfill their Japanese contract despite what may happen with their Korean contract/label. This would basically mean that ALL TWELVE original members could be made to come back together as a group in Japan for at least 3 years. https://www.allkpop.com/article/2023/02/universal-japan-has-reportedly-filed-to-obtain-exclusive-management-rights-of-girl-group-loona
  23. She's never gonna release music!
  24. Oh, and the queens of course!
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