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Everything posted by Capsule

  1. Did anyone dress up as anything fun for this year's Halloween? Do you have a favorite costume of the past? Let us see! This year, I dressed up as TikTok icon Terri Joe:
  2. You should try Walk Away and Whyyawannabringmedown for Lindsay! And maybe Rumors for Hilary, that would eat!
  3. Yeah! These mostly exist because, in many markets, pop radio prefers no rap at all. So they create these versions instead of letting random radio stations edit them out in whatever way they want. Then they end up on random compilations and stuff like that for various reasons, such as it being a slightly cheaper version to license versus the version with a feature.
  4. it reads as your typical gay playlist tbh
  5. boy like you doesn’t actually feature ashley
  6. who cares
  7. HOT CITYYYYYYYYYY the video is perfect

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I used to be obsessed with them back during the Gossip Girl days :cackle: Their first album was great but after that they became a liiiittle too hard for me. Still talented tho!

    2. Capsule


      lmaooooo I was obsessed with them back then, too! I even saw them live on their first little US tour :sassy: I fell off listening to them at one point for no particular reason, but every so often I check what they're up to and take a trip down memory lane with the songs of theirs that I really love.

  9. I'm not a rat living in Matthew Rosengart's walls, I can't tell you what he's doing or where he is. I can only guess that he is working instead of doing a press tour. Is your evidence of him not being her attorney anymore that he's not speaking publicly? For all we know, Britney asked him not to speak publicly about her divorce. I just do not personally think it's necessary to doom scroll into believing the worst case scenario at every turn. I have hope that he's still around to help her and will continue to until we are told the fact that he isn't from someone who is directly involved.
  10. I don't think a Youtuber, whose informational source is DailyMail articles, holds the weight you're implying it does. Great that he's team Britney, as he should be, but he's not doing anything but reading tabloid articles to us. It's all rumors that we could go read ourselves.
  11. Where are we getting that she let Matthew go? All I’ve been able to see is that she’s working with BOTH him and Laura through the divorce.
  12. She's still working on the video edit last we heard, and no news yet on the album.
  13. Yeah, the Epic album this year, followed next year by the new material she's been sitting on in favor of the Epic album.
  14. I haven't recorded in ages honestly, but I did invest in a new mic setup a few months back. I've been wanting to get back into it, just don't know where to start really~
  15. Oh wow, when are we collaborating on the gay anthem of the century?
  16. this comes up in my recommended videos every few days and it's SOOOO FIRE
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