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Everything posted by 000000

  1. Sure dude you are the obvious same person accusing with no proof of anything at all
  2. I did not leak a single song and you are clearly another Alt lol
  3. That does not give you the right to leak stuff leak I will never get peoples logic on leaking.
  4. You taking that link away won’t do anything bud too late you already leaked it lol you call yourselves fans leaking a albums worth of material
  5. Hmm weird and hard to believe but okay lmao
  6. Terrified hasn’t leaked yet
  7. I hope you get your money back Sis this boils my blood
  8. They have a lot more stuff “Out Here” is pretty old I’ve had it for a few years it’s a great track
  9. You’re welcome no prob! They had these songs leak on SoundCloud last year I think there may have been 1 or 2 more that leaked if I can find out which I’ll post the links for them here @Kelsea Ballerini
  10. Dan and Shay don’t have many leaks I think these 3 are the only leaks they’ve had of unreleased material
  11. here’s the full version of Look Like That https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzevmzcgK1ZjZ1JnYlZ2X1Nid19iY1dHN1RpY2NEbmZqSVVv/view?usp=drivesdk
  12. These are old leaks from last year you always post old leaks lol
  13. @Feather is a big Leona Stan I don’t think he would leak even one which I understand
  14. I finally got my copy in the mail yesterday can’t wait to spend my day off playing it!
  15. Scott Borchetta 1. Cassadee Pope she had so much potential after winning The Voice her debut single Wasting All These Tears and album went #1 and her debut single also went platinum and the music video landed her a award at the CMT awards but after that the lack of promo they gave her ruined her career I’m so glad she went the indie route.
  16. Do you have a Danielle Bradbery unreleased album cover?
  17. I assume that @Turn Ya Head hasn’t experienced seeing Cassadee live by his emoji reaction ??
  18. Honestly went through a bad breakup in September and I was super depressed for months. We used to live together and worked together even after the fact of breaking up or was super hard and stressful seeing him everyday. I wasn’t eating sleeping normally or being around friends at all. I eventually found myself again through self care and love and music. Sometimes you have to realize it’s as simple as it all being in your head sometimes. Never think about the bad things or what’s the worst thing that could happen. Stop worrying about becoming happy because that will all eventually happen on it’s own without you realizing it. Maybe you could try doing things by yourself like going for jogs, walks, reading a book or just starting a journal.
  19. It’s not just a 10 second show I think it runs about 5 minutes or so. It actually wasn’t that bad kinda showed some insight on her and it makes sense why she’s the way she is. Her mother is honestly horrible. I like a few of her songs and I honestly give her props for using the foundation she was given to make something for herself.
  20. Honestly I was totally expecting it “Golden Hour” did so well! I’m so proud of her this is a HUGE step for woman in country music. I know it’s a long ass shot but I hope to see my baby Cassadee at least nominated as a solo artist someday. Did you ever check out her new album stages @Skinny Legend
  22. Can you make a cover for Jana Kramer’s unreleased
  23. Babe realize who you’re talking to and starting drama with I would post a immediate retraction if I was you for your own sake and rep here lol @Tweeneris a king
  24. Fuck bitches get money 

  25. 000000


    Selena is beautiful asf in every sense of the word
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