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Everything posted by BraveNewSeth

  1. I finally finalized my track list a few days ago. I don’t see it changing unless Show Me Your Love leaks and I’m able to fit it on the track list somewhere. Title: Don’t Get Mad, Get Famous Don’t Get Mad, Get Famous Slay American Girl Electric Heaven Jenny’s Got A Boyfriend Somebody’s Gonna Get Hurt Hot City I Wanna Fucking Call You My So Called Life Rewind Your Heart Everything But You Now Or Never Restless Waking Up Diagonal Forever 21
  2. I listened to (my version of) the Epic album yesterday for the first time in a while, and I’m still just completely blown away by the sheer quality. I can’t believe LA Reid/Epic Records didn’t see the massive potential this album had. The fact that it will only be listened to by like… five gays on their curated Bonnie McKee playlists is criminal.
  3. Let’s be real, Bonnie could’ve released the album at any point, from when the demos first started leaking in December 2020 to now. It wouldn’t matter. The bulk of her sales would’ve only come from a small group of dedicated stans on this forum and places like it. Like, I’m sure pop culture aficionados would give it a stream or two, but the number of people who would actually support Bonnie is very, very small. It just makes me wonder if she calculated the costs and decided it wouldn’t be worth the time, money, and effort to buy back the masters and put them on streaming? Ultimately, I just wish she would be honest with us and let us know what her plans are. It’s frustrating to constantly be left in the dark like this.
  4. Holy shit. I wasn’t a big fan of this song when the demo leaked, but I just did some snooping and it looks like the final version leaked. It’s AMAZING.
  5. 1. Don’t Get Mad, Get Famous 2. SLAY 3. American Girl 4. Electric Heaven 5. Jenny’s Got A Boyfriend 6. Somebody’s Gonna Get Hurt 7. Hot City 8. I Wanna Fuckin’ Call You 9. So Called Life 10. Rewind Your Heart 11. Everything Buy You 12. Last Call Lover/Outlaw/Wild Card 13. Restless 14. Waking Up Diagonal 15. Forever 21 This is my own curated track list I came up with myself. It tells a really fun linear story with F21 acting as the “end credits” so to speak. My tack 12 is constantly changing because I don’t know what track I want it to be. I kinda want to put a ballad there but I haven’t heard one I like enough to put there yet.
  6. Yes! It’s the closest thing we have to a ballad on this album (along with SGGH) and I love it. On my version of the Epic album, I have RYH after So Called Life, and that song fading out only for RYH to literally “rewind” and begin is a moment 🤤
  7. The best Epic track. Period.
  8. I always forget how young they were when they first started out until I see pictures like this 😂
  9. Lipstick Revolution has potential to be the gayest song ever recorded. I’d love to hear it someday.
  10. Do any insiders know if Show Me Your Love is circulating yet?
  11. Ugh, I just discovered an unreleased song he did for Rachel Stevens album Come And Get It, called Nothing In Common. It’s SO. GOOD. Definitely miss that style of mid/late 2000s Britpop.
  12. Where did these Just A Kiss and Soundtrack songs come from? Are they being leaked in the future?
  13. Damn. I can’t believe Modern Girl leaked 💀 I never thought we’d get that or I Get What I Want. If Bonnie material keeps leaking like this, she won’t have any unreleased material left.
  14. Cheryl definitely knows how to get the crowd going, but Sarah always had an undeniable “spark” that always made people go wild. Something you can’t put into words, that je ne sais quoi. I think this is the best we can hope for. It would be a great way to honor their legacy by releasing the albums on vinyl, remastered with unreleased songs, demos, etc. How amazing would it be to finally get their version of Wicked Game? Or maybe even the Britney duet version of Graffiti My Soul (aka my stan wet dream)? It would be the bow on top of the gift that is their discography. I do think that maybe (and this is a big MAYBE) we’ll see them back on stage for a reunion tour at some point. Nostalgia is a strong drug, and I’m sure they may want to tap into that once money starts drying up. But I don’t see it happening any time soon. The wounds of Sarah’s passing are still too fresh, and I think the vast majority of GA stans can agree with that.
  15. This could possibly work for new music. We all know how much unused material Xenomania have in their vaults. But I’m more worried about what they’re going to do in performances. Sarah was THE Girls Aloud hype woman. She was always the one saying something to get the crowded going and cheering. I just… don’t see how they can work in a live setting without Sarah’s energy.
  16. Can we also start harassing Bonnie on Instagram and TikTok to release the “we’re bright as gold” version of Slay?
  17. Yes. For the first time it really seems like the stars are aligning. The hype is there, if she doesn’t release it soon she’s a fool.
  18. Has Bonnie lied about this album before? Yes. But something feels different this time. She’s been building hype on TikTok and different podcasts. The album already has a photoshoot and name. And now this last TikTok. I believe her this time.
  19. Could you please post the final 2014 Slay?
  20. I’m glad you brought this up because I’ve been meaning to mention it. My version of final IWFCY has the beeps at the end, and it has the synth line during the latter half of the chorus. It’s weird but those are pretty much the only differences. I’ll upload it tomorrow so y’all can check it out.
  21. Omg I’m an idiot, I forgot the date is in the title 🤦🏻‍♂️ I just inverted and overlayed the two tracks on Audacity and they cancel each other out perfectly. They’re definitely the same file. So I’d say June 30, 2014 is the correct date.
  22. This is so cool! Do you mind me asking how you managed to extract this info? EDIT: And do you happen to have Rewind Your Heart?
  23. ORIGINAL EPIC FINAL FILES SGGH original - https://onlyfiles.io/f/cbcf1640c09a4d808f0e9e4f4c22378d Wild Card original - https://onlyfiles.io/f/a59b938efb8c44f68b0bba6eb715c115 Slay 2020 final original (someone screwed with the bass on the first leak) - https://onlyfiles.io/f/765efd5a0c1d4d659b410c0c56eaf38f RYH original (whoever leaked this may have leaked the original file, but I'm posting it again just to be safe!) - https://onlyfiles.io/f/bc90ef8c15234ca88346a431333b079e And I think that's it. Electric Heaven leaked in WAV format and unedited Outlaw just leaked.
  24. I have the original/non-exported versions of most of the final leaks if y'all want me to post them? I didn't bother because, in my opinion, they sound exactly the same 💀 But it seems like a lot of people want them, so I'd be more than happy to share.
  25. https://krakenfiles.com/view/BRBUWbAjBy/file.html The Sayonara worktape leaked too. It sounds NOTHING like the final product and it's kinda making me laugh, but it's not bad tho! We've been so spoiled lately.
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