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Everything posted by BraveNewSeth

  1. Just so I’m clear, you’re talking about the Amazon bonus disc, right? Will do!
  2. Do you still need this? I’ll rip it for you.
  3. nnnnn I’m honestly more scared of Cheryl getting even more solo lines than she used to now that Sarah is gone 💀
  4. How are we feeling about the updated production? I’m kinda bopping but at the same time I think I like the demo production more. Maybe I just need to listen to it a few more times.
  5. DGMGF has always had a ton of potential so I’m excited for this. I just hope she turned it into a full length song with a proper second verse and bridge. The production could use some work too but I’m liking what I hear from the TikTok snippet.
  6. Not sure if any of you guys caught this, but Bonnie wrote this caption in the Hot City music video:
  7. Hopefully with an album pre-save link too 🙏🏻
  8. That’s exactly my thoughts too. Years of “it’s coming soon guys!” have really taken its toll on me. The PTSD is real 💀
  9. Thanks guys. I’m just so thirsty for anything Bonnie related right now. Hot City reinvigorated my excitement for the album, I need it NOW 😭
  10. It's gone kinda quiet. Any idea when we're gonna get the Hot City music video, or maybe even an album pre-save link?
  11. Wasn't Unlock Your Love listed on the infamous whiteboard picture?
  12. https://krakenfiles.com/view/9n30tJGZP1/file.html
  13. Final version or demo?
  14. I felt this way about the Hot City demo, but the final version fixes basically all the complaints I had about it. It’s a bop and a half and a proper glow up. Now Slay? That one was completely butchered. I was worried about how the rest of the songs would sound but it seems like she course corrected with Hot City, thankfully.
  15. I’m assuming she’s talking about songs like WUD and HMU which were recorded by other artists. AG she wasn’t able to re-record either. We know she was able to do Forever 21 because one of the VHS tapes in her vault was labeled that.
  16. I stg all of these will leak before Rebellion will. I’m fucking tired.
  17. Can someone post that one minute snippet of Hot City? It won’t load on my phone 😭
  18. Is there a reason why she’s releasing on a Wednesday?
  19. Speaking of him, do we know why he wasn’t involved in the creation of the Epic album? His name isn’t on any of the writing or production credits. It’s just weird considering Bonnie wrote most of his biggest hits.
  20. I’m loving that too! It fits SO well!
  21. I’ve literally had dreams about this
  22. If we don’t get SGGH on the new album I’m gonna be so upset 😭 Not trying to be greedy, but that song is AMAZING and is too good to be rotting away on Bonnie’s hard drive/the Sony vaults.
  23. Where is this June 21st date coming from?
  24. I feel like I’ve said this a million times, but this is the last chance I’m giving her. I guess you could say it’s… now or never (REFERENCE). For real tho, if we reach July 1st and still don’t have anything, I’m washing my hands of her. Give me hope!
  25. Yeah, it makes me sad too. The energy and excitement on this forum when the Epic tracks were leaking was so fucking contagious. But I knew after Forever 21 leaked that things were slowly gonna start dying again. The only thing I think that will bring people back en masse is if Bonnie actually releases something.
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