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Everything posted by JennieRubyJane

  1. I am SO HERE for Miley's new album. :bop:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JennieRubyJane


      @Countess I was ridiculously obsessed with that show, too. I was a child of Disney. :fishie:

    3. Tweener


      Sorry to break it to you, but Lizzie>>>Raven

    4. JennieRubyJane


      That's true tho @Tweener :bop:

  2. I got so drunk last night bless :sassy:

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      You're finally legal! ;) Happy birthday boo, have a drink for me too! <3 

  3. So done with my side job for web design. Kill me.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      What's happening with it boo? :( 

  4. ----

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JennieRubyJane


      @Countess You're so sweet thank you omg. :blush: Which one is yours, so I make sure I follow back!

    3. JennieRubyJane


      @Third Eye And by kingdom (and the Halsey reference lmao) I mean Disneyland / Disney World :lol:

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      You already got me boo, I'm galeforcesongs! ;) 

  5. Still my break up song jam
  6. Why do I have no motivation to do any of my college homework. :morning:

    1. Tweener


      Tell me about it... :/

    2. JennieRubyJane


      @Tweener I literally just stare at my laptop in disdain. Like no thanks...:morning:


    3. Tweener


      I jad the same problem, but once I forced myself, I wrote like 9 pages, so I am a bit more motivated now?

  7. Going with @Tweener's t.A.T.u. theme:
  8. She definitely looks more like herself now. I hope everything is going well for her.
  9. Anyone else feel like absolute death lately

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Capsule


      No, but I always want to die, so I kinda get what you're going through :wink:

    3. JennieRubyJane


      @Countess I've been on and off sick with the flu for the last three months ever since I went to California. I'm always tired and irritable from it along with the disgusting parts of being sick. Help. Let's make each other chicken noodle soup. :fishie:

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @Kalel When does it stop being a flu and start being an AIDS scare? :wut: Cos I've been worried about that for the past week!

      Come over and we can watch Disney movies and drink lemonade together. <3

  10. BB Canada is way better than the US version and I don't have to hear "but first" every 15 seconds
  11. Grudges written w/ Zac...bet we know what that's about lol.
  12. I know this is shady as f*ck but I don't really care. Don't send people your own recording of demos for songs made by REAL artists...no one wants your demos.
  13. This is so fucked up
  14. I go to way too many concerts to even list lol
  15. Your dogs have me SHOOK
  16. Wish I could make cover art like this tbh
  17. Her giggle is so adorable in this aw
  18. The colouring on this is perfection
  19. I like the simplicity of this!
  20. This is so good whoa!
  21. Love the purple colour!
  22. I'm in love with your handwriting
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