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  1. Perfectionist is a great album but its not in her purest form, they changed her voice, the lyrics somewhat, the sound etc. And the team changed alot. But it still a great album.
  2. Ya but in all honesty, she explained to Vogue the struggles with her team during Perfectionist and more or less Trouble. The fact that +30MG is the purest form of her. But she did say in her live stream she would not go in depth explaining the oddity of being tied to a big label with a shit team, and i see why. It removes the joy from the music because even if she did say there was a lot of odd stuff surrounding her 2 albums, she loved the lyircs.
  3. I love all of your songs

    Released and unreleased.

    You are a music genius!


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Marina Joyce

      Marina Joyce

      It doesn't at all o.O Porcelain re-recorded Redlight District and it will be on her album this year

    3. Andreee


      Alright, i am just super curious haha

      Also do you know about these Verbalicious songs?

      Amore, Elevator, Superficial?

      Very interested :)

    4. Andreee
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