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Everything posted by 001

  1. should have from the beginning.
  2. 001

    Song vs Song

    still into you sober - lorde v. kill v maim
  3. Would you rather eat a horse or eat a house? neither Would you rather have legs as long as your fingers, or fingers as long as your legs? I DON'T KNOW. Would you rather give up chocolate for life, or give up cheese for life? neither omg Would you rather always feel like you have to pee, or always feel like you have to sneeze? sneeze
  4. 001

    Video Games

    only video games i know are lana's.
  5. 10/10
  6. 001


    LOOOOOL this game.. i forgot about itsjsjsjss
  7. Not me! I love that song
  8. Perfect Illusion was just.. well.. a perfect illusion!
  9. Sorry you're deaf
  10. Beautiful and precise!
  11. Beautiful work, everyone!
  12. Great work! Excited to see what happens for "SG2".
  13. I think that they had a very strong relationship and were very happy together. Maybe things will work out in the end!
  14. The Cure. I think that after all the hype and then to not do as well as it should have, it wasn't very good. However, I think she got back on her feet after the Super Bowl. After that, the GP began to care more. So The Cure, it was more of a comeback that was well paid attention to.
  15. Is it bad that when he said Shake it Off, I thought of Taylor Swift?
  16. Now, that, my friends, is IMPACT!
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong on this one, but wasn't there a few Dua Lipa songs scrapped? They were called: "All or Nothing", "Follow Me", and "High Wild and Free".
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