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Everything posted by Rauru

  1. Updated!
  2. Aye. Sorry I haven't been around or uploaded (porn) requests, I had some more health issues flair up, but i'm back and will get those done asap!

  3. tfw you feel kinda cute for the first time in months



    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Rocking up to my Tinder hookup like: tenor.gif

  4. Heroes Offense Doomfist//Genji//McCree//Tracer//Sombra//Solider 76//Reaper//Pharah Defense Bastion//Hanzo//Widowmaker//Torbjorn//Mei//Junkrat Tank DVA//Orisa//Reinhardt//Roadhog//Winston//Zarya Support Ana//Zenyatta//Symmertra//Mercy//Lucio Animated Shorts Events (Past) News/Rumors: - User on reddit has posted a supposed promotional picture from a game store (i.e. gamestop) that suggests this years Halloween Terror still begin the 10th, which falls on the typical Tuesday that Overwatch releases major patches. The event started on the 11th of last October and ran until November - Many speculate that we will, as last year, receive Hero 26 information at Blizzcon in November - A new Mei skin has been announced with the signing of the newest Overwatch League team, the Shanghai Dragons. It's believed we will get other recolors of other skins to represent other teams. Dev Update (Lastest Two) So, anyone else play this? I've been obsessed with it since release and have changed mains like 6 times. Started as Genji, went to Junkrat, then Mercy, but with the newest Mercy update i've reverted to Widowmaker. (Blizz ID's: EiKneadHeelz#1494 and ManlyMercy#1196)
  5. http://store.steampowered.com/app/268910/Cuphead/ I've been interested in this since it was first announced, and it's finally out. It's a bullethell/side scrolling platformer and its fun as fuck. But, it's REALLY hard, I was imagining (semi spoilers?) more platforming levels but its 90% boss battles. Either way it's super fun and just amazing to look at with the cel animated/old cartoon look. (Also forewarning everyone that I want to/plan to post a bunch of other video games in this section that i'd love to share with people.)
  6. While I am stoked for the rest and enjoyed the first ep
  8. http://www.playboyenterprises.com/
  11. Stardust is slow, it's really pretty. I'd love to hear Cashmere and I Was Made For Loving You. Still pressed we never got Bubblegum, i'd give a nut for that one. Hell, at this point i'd give one for anything Kerli, she's taking her sweet time.
  12. someone trade me something crap for my crap pl0x

  13. My DR has me on all kinds of new meds and one is BP meds, she thought she wrote me a script for 25MG once a day last week, but didn't, and doubled it to 50MG twice a day this week and I just happened to notice when I got home from her office and thought tf? But she said she wanted me to take the new dose regardless and it bottomed out yesterday and I had a panic attack on top of it. I've felt like shit since, and have had a few worse panic attacks since as well. She has me on that, Zoloft 50MG once a day, Buspar 10MG twice a day, and two meds for my GERD/stomach. I've had to go to the ER 3 times over how bad my panic attacks are and everything she has me on takes weeks to get in your system and make a difference, nothing for immediate relief. So with my panic/anxiety disorder, and my BP bouncing everywhere, it's triggering the anxiety worse and making this a living hell rn.
  14. @hounderawr I'll try to type a reply soon, i'm a little out of it rn my BP bottomed out earlier and I had a panic attack on top of it so it went down and skyrocketed. But i'm hoping that counseling will help me out soon because I feel like i'm going completely crazy right now and can't take much more.
  15. Anxiety is a bitch man. Mine started more from stress/bad GERD triggering it, but it's gotten to an obsessive state of worry over my health. I went from zero to 100 real quick out of nowhere at the beginning of the month, hadn't had attacks in years. Everything is setting me off, health wise mainly like overthinking what this pain or that feeling is. Been to the ER 3 times this month, started seeing a regular dr. Currently am on Protonix and Carafate for my reflux, Zoloft and Buspar for anxiety, and blood pressure meds twice a day. It's scary as shit. They have done EKGs every time, checked my blood, heart rate/sound etc, everything short of going to a cardiologist (which they wanted me to last time I was at the ER) but they have told me my heart sounds fine. I had all this happen in 2011 and hadn't had it since. The worst part for me right now is they didn't/wouldn't give me anything for immediate relief from my attacks, as they're bad attacks. The Zoloft and Buspar, hell even the BP meds too but not as much, are going to take around 2 weeks to get in my system and really make a difference. I try to tell myself i'm okay and that i'm not having a heart attack but it's hard to convince yourself when you feel that way. Even right now my jaws are hurting, which I made the mistake and read that could be a sign for a heart attack last week and it just amplified my fear, but my LOGICAL guess is that it's from almost having an attack this morning, lack of good sleep since my body is adjusting to these meds, and probably tensing up too much. I was perfectly fine yesterday, BP was low and HR was normal which was so weird after 2 weeks of hell, then it just hit me. I've seen that a lot of people apparently take BP meds that have severe anxiety so that helps me feel a little calmer but just in general anything to do with my chest area/heart completely and utterly freaks me out.
  16. Health update:
    Took me off of Hydroxzine since it wasn't helping, kept me on carafate and protonix for my stomach. Now i'm also on Zoloft and Buspar for anxiety/depression (mainly anxiety), and a low blood pressure pill. Praying this does the trick for me.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Tweener
    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I think @jaycoolguy was using the downvote as a feature to show that he was disliking the fact that someone was having anxiety, not that he was disliking the fact that someone was talking about it. :magic: They meant it in a nice way even if it might have come off differently.

    4. jaycoolguy


      thank you countess I not a mean person :( esp when i been through it my self <3 

  17. 3rd ER visit in 2 weeks.

    1. Rich Girl
    2. Rauru


      On the road to it, I hope. I'm having constant panic/anxiety attacks for no reason, and I get too far into my head thinking about my blood pressure being high or heart beating fast, think about having a heart attack constantly, so my mind is in shambles and working against me. I hopefully start counseling tomorrow and HOPEFULLY they'll put me on something like they gave me in the ER (a benzo, Klonzopin or whatever) to keep me calm for a few weeks until this is sorted out.

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @eyb0ss Stay strong boo, I know it's hard but just keep remembering that you can stop this with your willpower! <3 I believe in you!

  18. I hate trying to convince myself i'm going to be okay with my current state of anxiety.

  19. Secong ER visit in 2 weeks, things be great. :yeah:

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      :o What's going on boo? Are you okay? <3 

    2. Rauru


      We don't really know for sure yet. My blood pressure stays a bit high, has for a few weeks now, and i've been having these really bad panic attacks on top of what they called PAT attack (my heart rate can go to around 180bpm out of nowhere). My chest gets really tight, hurts, arms go numb, etc. It happened several years ago but stopped, now it's randomly back. It's possible it's a lot to do with my gerd/acid reflux and vice vera, apparently anxiety and acid reflux/heart burn kinda fuel the fire for each other. I have to go to a cardiologist again, which they said they believe im fine there but want to be sure, and counseling to be put on better anxiety meds (they have me on an antihistamine rn instead of anxiety meds, plus 2 stomach pills) Hoping I can get the meds sorted out this week because it can be unbearable and just straight up uncomfortable.

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @eyb0ss Oh nooo, that really sucks! :fishie: I've definitely had things like that before and it really can get hard to breathe and function. I'm gonna keep you in my prayers, just remember to stay calm and practise your deep breathing. <3

  20. lol  'writing session next week, finishing up music, oh i got a show coming in october and id like to bring the show i just did to the states'

    literally all she said about music pretty much.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Why do I have to keep telling y'all this? :idkher: JUST GIVE UP! Kerli is cancelled. We'll never get a second album. End of story. :hottie: 

    3. konnichiwalski


      She's been writing this album since early 2014 and it's yet to be finished. It's time to accept it's never gonna be released. :disgusted:

    4. Feral Heart

      Feral Heart

      actually she knew the album wasn't coming out last year in july, she did an interview right before diamond hard came out and it said the album was expected "early 2017"

  21. I want the new Ev album now :( I hope BMTL sounds good.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I can't wait for it either! :yaskween: The concept is so cool, it's gonna be great to get into all those old bops again!

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