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Everything posted by Rauru

  1. Just had a fun experience, here's a lengthy post.

    My cousin, who's I've been fairly close with all my life, just lost it or something.

    We heard a noise on the porch, which sounded like the cats fighting again so mom went and opened the door as I stood up to help split them up, but it was my cousin Chris. He shoved mom out of the way onto a recliner, broke thru my door and knocked some of my stuff off my shelves, grabbed me by the wrists and held them over my head while he shoved me in a corner, trapping me. He looked possessed, fucking evil look in his eyes. Mom tried to be calm and ask what was wrong and say we loved him and didn't understand. I was scared to death because if she hadn't made him think, he could've easily beat the shit out of me or worse.  He finally let go and grabbed onto my beds headboard, put his head down and cried, then left. Never spoke a single word. He broke our dog gate on the porch in half, that was the noise we heard. Broke the handle on our storm door clean off. Broke my door in half. And threw some of my stuff around.


    I guess he walked back to his house, 2 houses up (my moms family basically live in a line. Sister across from us, 2 houses right of hers is my uncle, which is where Chris lives with his gf and newborn daughter. Then mom's mother lives next door to them.)

    It took us a minute to even process what had just happened and get semi calmed down. I just can't understand why he came here, of all places. I went to mow my grandmas lawn and the mower wouldn't work so he came and tried to help my dad and I, he seemed perfectly fine, that was about 2 hours before this happened. 

    We were told that his dad or someone had taken his keys because he was drunk, as well as some girl he was supposed to meet up with threatened that if he didn't meet her she'd tell his wife what they'd done or something, and it all set him off or something. He's always had anger issues and has become an alcoholic in the past few years. It scares me because he has a few handguns, his dad has several other guns, and with his anger he could easily kill someone. 

    5 cop cars came within a few minutes, because his dad called them when he realized he was coming to our house, we had no idea anything was happening. He was arrested and I guess they're holding him for the night or something. The shitty thing is the cops never came to ask us if we were okay or what happened. They talked to his mom and dad and left, when we were the only ones he laid hands on, not to mention him breaking in. His dad said if we wanted to press charges to go ahead, seeing as we literally had nothing to do with it. He apparently tried to take his newborn from his wife's arms, which he clearly wasn't in his right mind and would've hurt her without realizing, so his wife took his newborn girl and their other daughter and left when it started. He even went next door to our grandmas, 70+ and can barely walk, took her cane and threatened to kill her.

    I'm still kinda in shock and nerve wracked. Hopefully this means hell lose the right to have guns. And maybe they will get rid of the guns in the house because I honestly think if he'd had his on him, it would have been a lot worse for them or especially us, since we're the ones he "assaulted". (Quotes because while he did shove mom in the ribs and caused her some pain after, and my wrists/arms from the way he grabbed and pulled me around, he did more damage to the house than us, thankfully.)

    Family, man.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Jesus Christ! I'm so sorry this happened to you boo. The fact the police didn't even ask you if you're okay is so wrong and gross...Are your family at least looking after you?

      I would hope that maybe you could get this all sorted out between you where he pays for all the damage he caused and promises to go to therapy or something...I feel like taking it to court would just make things worse for him and probably be expensive for everyone, but if that's what you've gotta do then that's what you've gotta do.

      I hope you and your mum are okay and not too shaken up :( Keeping you in my thoughts baby <3 

  2. Looks like Porcelain needs money again or something, randomly dropping merch and every post she makes on insta has "new music link in bio" but it's just Thorns, which is a year old at this point.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      How weird. She must have a new PR agency or something...Best of luck to them :cackle:

  3. Me, crying like a baby at 5am over stranger things season 4 vol 2.

    My head hurts from crying so much lol

  4. I hate being unemployed. I've got 5 days to sell stuff or something to pre-order Monster Hunter Sunbreak before its release on the 30th lol. If I don't find a job soon ima lose my damn mind.

  5. Kerli said that she just received the masters for her new stuff and is working on visuals. A commenter said what she was working on (looked like a headphone thing) reminded them of Utopia, and she replied with 👀

    She also said she was inspired by apocalypse type things and went deeper for the new stuff.

    Hopefully the first singles soon! Gimme more bubblegoth pop.

    1. Heartbreak Anthem

      Heartbreak Anthem

      We want a visual album! Give us a visual album!

    2. Rauru


      She would do it soooo well, I love her visuals. Fingers crossed!

    3. Heartbreak Anthem

      Heartbreak Anthem

      Same! I completely agree!

  6. I distinctly remember begging my Dad to get me Now That's What I Call Music 5 for this song and this song alone. 

    I'm old.


  7. I thought I went to the wrong url for a good minute. 😆
  8. 11 years ago, and we never heard mention of it again. I still pray daily someone digs up the demo of it or even a soundboard recording because even tho it's cheese, it was so fun I fell in love.

    Still want more of this era to come to light because it's really my favorite era she had, that never really saw the light of day, officially. 




  9. This is the first main line game I've been excited for since like, idk Gold and Silver? 😆 I loved Arceus and was stoked to hear that a dlc was coming, then we got that shit free update with nothing basically, so a main line game with the open world/area and same mechanics would be just awesome. Fingers crossed! Also the coop is looking like the best we've ever had, 4 people roaming and hunting together!? Yasss.
  10. Still my fave cover of Running Up That Hill, of course.



  11. I just won a giveaway on twitter for a replica of the gunblade from Final Fantasy 8, I almost shat myself. I got to pick one of these two since the other winner unfollowed the person, and as pretty as the left one is, the original is unmatched. Can't wait to get it and display it!

    Picture was too big to upload-


    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I played FF8 earlier this year! It was cool until I got to the plot point about them all being orphans who'd grown up in the same house... :cackle: That was one of the stupidest plot points since FFXV's "I'm actually a robot" twist

  12. Kim Petras covering Running Up That hill out tomorrow, already in some countries. The clip I found on Twitter of it isn't the worst tbh.

    Then tomorrow we get a new trailer for Pokemon Scarlett and Violet, as well as a new look at gameplay for Sonic Frontiers (the 38 second clip shown today serves Sonic breath of the wild)


    Now I just need to get a confirmation of Final Fantasy tactics remake, and the 9 remake and animated show of 9.

    Still excited for Sonic Origins, mainly so we can play Sonic 3 and Knuckles on Switch finally, it and Monster Hunter Sunbreak come out in June so I'm stoked, even if I'm broke and unemployed lol.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I really hope Kim isn't releasing this song just to jump on the fact it was on Stranger Things and try to get a hit :yeah: I love Running Up That Hill so if she covers it it better be good!

      Didn't they already do a remake of Tactics? :orly: I'd be down for a 9 remake though. That's the one game from 7 - 15 I haven't played yet so that would give me an excuse!

    2. Rauru


      She claims it was good timing 👀 

      But yeah there was a big Nvidia leak last year or around then that included a list of games in development, and a lot have already been proven correct. A remake of 9 would be amazing, if they do it right, it's always even my favorite game, close with Mario RPG. You should def play it tho, you can grab it on most consoles for 20 or less with updated textures that makes it cleaner looking. To me it has the best and most simple ability systems, none of that grid shit or anything you basically equip a weapon/accessory that has a few abilities tied to it, and earn ability points each battle that go towards you learning it permanently so afterwards you don't need the weapon or accessory again. Not to mention when I think Final Fantasy I think medieval,  dragons, etc and it's the one final fantasy that does just that. Def try it ❤ 

      And tactics was on that list as well so who knows. I'm hoping one or the other is revealed at the State of Play tomorrow. Tactics and Tactics Advance deserve modern ports at the very least. I'd love a collection with them and A2 on Switch. 😔  Square has so many dormant series' that at the very least deserve a port with updates textures, Parasite Eve mainly, a fucking turn based survival horror, basically Resident Evil and Final fantasies baby.

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Oh, interesting! :orly: Is the plot of FF9 any good? All I know is Kuja who I love, but all of the other characters and even the art style looked kinda uninspired to me. I also do tend to like the more sci-fiy vibes of FF7 and FF10 so I'm not sure I'd stan it 🤔 But I'll give it a go if you think it's good!

      Tactics is on iOS right? I like those games but I'm not sure what a remake could add other than new graphics and maybe voice acting? I can't imagine them changing the battle system and it seems like people don't like turn-based anymore so I don't even know if it would be successful for them :yeah: Which sucks for me because old-school turn based games are my fave <3 

  13. So sad for her, I'm sure this is devastating. But hopefully she's doing well physically and mentally. ❤
  14. Do we have a dedicated Spice Girl discog thread? I'm looking for a collection of their albums, eps, demos, etc.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      We have a thread to discuss these icons, but no megapost I don't think :'( 

  15. Also Porcelain Black says Reload is coming soon. Well see how soon, soon is.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      It will come as soon as she's made her way through the entire production team with her mouth

    2. Ice Prince

      Ice Prince

      Literally Reload is the only other song from those sessions I'm craving. Wish Crazy was out there too, but who knows. Adding those two to the other bunch would finally make a Porcelain album ugh :ohwell: 

  16. I'll be 31 in 2 weeks.



    I'm ready for the nursing home 

  17. Everyone be sure to go buy Kerlis NFTs.




    Someone leak something of hers also. Please lol

  18. Can someone make a zip of all these bonnie leaks along with her other tracks? Or do we have a masterpost?


    Also waiting for some Kerli still, someone, anyone. Depending on how high some people are I'd buy a few of her tracks that are more pop or like the Dollface era. (I still pray for a demo of bubblegum or like soundboard recording from the one time she performed it. I'd pay for it most of all)

  19. Betty White dying on the last day of 2021, 2 weeks before her 100th birthday just goes to show, this year fucking sucks.



    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I heard this morning and I feel I should be sadder than I am. Golden Girls is one of my fave TV shows but I haven't even cried or anything. I think we all knew she wouldn't be on this earth much longer so I guess it just wasn't a surprise. May our angel rest in peace <3 

  20. I dyed my hair green, the only color its never been.


    Also featuring one of my finger tats (I have one on each finger minus my thumbs, for now) representing singers I like.

    Fag Mob for Brooke Candy

    Trainwreck for Porcelain Black

    And then multiple Kerli ones, including Feral Hearts, Blossom, and Diamond Hard not just because I love Kerli, but because those 3 songs came out at some real turning points for me for better or worse and really represented something in my life at the time. Also have Moonchild, ILU, and a symbol.

    Also have Emilie Autumn lyrics on my ribs, fucking beauty killer on my collar unfortunately lol, and the Evanescence logo on my wrist. And lastly, minus my rose on my left hand and my lotus on my right, I have the Sailor Moon symbols for each Sailor Scout/planet on my.lower part of my fingers.

    And FINALLY, LOVE and then EVOL on my knuckles for Marina's E.V.O.L., because love is evol.


    Didn't mean to have a text tat tour but just wanted to because why not.





  21. The songs from Encanto have been stuck in my head for days. But We Don't Talk About Bruno is my fave. Its just *chefs kiss*

    Flowers Wow GIF by Regal

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Haven't watched this one yet! But I was bored by Luca and turned it off halfway through so I'm not sure what my expectations are :yeah: Is it good?

    2. Rauru


      I didn't think I'd like it tbh But the music alone made it amazing. But I did thoroughly enjoy it!

       But you'll get the music stuck in your head lol

  22. If we ain't getting Kerlimas this year can we get CLmas and All In finally leak? Thats new snippet just ugh

  23. Santa didn't bring Kerlimas this year.

    Kerli New Year..mas..?


  24. Merry Christmas!

    Today sucks.

  25. Can someone share a link to Shadow Works with me? I'm trying to download it on my phone so I can listen to it while I stock at work right now but damn its hard to find with dbree down for me. Please and thanks asap!


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