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Everything posted by Rauru

  1. Someone check if 21st Century Kids is out in NZ.


  2. Remember when Bonnie was releasing her shelved album finally last year?

    Glad that happened. 









    Hot Sauce Crying GIF by First We Feast: Hot Ones

  3. Tbh. Surprised 21st Century Kids hasn't leaked yet.

  4. https://instagram.com/brianziff?igshid=OGQ2MjdiOTE=
  5. Hell I'd he happy with a soundboard or something, just something better than the shit livestreamed performance lol. Someone needs to hit up Brian Ziff (Vespertine) because he was credited for it as well, cowrote or something, and even tho him and Kerli fell out, maybe he'd have it 😂
  6. I'd believe it. She performed it once and from what I heard at the time basically burned all evidence it existed lol. But someone swore there was a super rough demo out there, back in 2010, so surely someone has it. 😔
  7. She just didn't seem right at the Golden Globes. Sad to hear either way, at least she's with her dad now. #RIP 🙏
  8. #JusticeForBubblegum #LeakBubblegum #FINDBubblegum
  9. We're getting new Cyber punky anime pop music again from Kerli! 🙏 

  10. Finished my first playthru of Digimon Survive and absolutely loved it. Starting my second right away to get the true ending, and to evolve more mons.

    Still need to pick Xenoblade Chronicles 3 back up, first one I've been able to get into (own all of them tho) but got side tracked and forgot what I'd done so far.

    And finally wish we could skip straight to May because ZELDA TEARS OF THE KINGDOM IS SO FUCKING CLOSE YET SO FAR AWAY.


    Angry Lilo And Stitch GIF

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I loved BOTW and I can't wait to play TOTK! I get the feeling we're going to get a Majoras Mask style game which experiments a little bit in the franchise to create something different from the main games.

  11. Happy New Year!


    Christmas came and left, and 0 Kerlimsas or CLmas.

    Am much sad.Disappointed Kevin Sorbo GIF


    1. Kesha Slays

      Kesha Slays

      0 CL leaks was so disappointing, but then again when does K-POP material ever leak!




    Now where's my Kerlimas songs 😭 

  13. So...Kerlis new singles coming Jan 27th?Screenshot_20221217-232609_Chrome.jpg

  14. Dear Santa/Jesus/Satan


    Kerlimas plz

  15. Also, not Porcelain Black replying to a comment saying she probably won't release music again.






    Then post Reload and FMMO and let us continue on without following you anymore lol.

  16. Finished Pokemon Scarlet, working on my dex atm. About 50 till I'm done and get a shiny charm and will start shiny hunting.

    Terra raids however are kicking my ass. I feel like all my Pokemon are weak as shit lol. Also started Digimon Survive, and while I agree there's more visual novel than gameplay, but it's really really good. You can cut the tension with a knife and I'm terrified ima get someone killed. 

  17. Anyone fighting crowds and going for some good discounts tonight? I'm unemployed so I am virtually broke but helped an uncle hang lights and my grandmother do some things so I managed to get a couple of games for a good price at gamestops site (shocked they have any kind of good deals tbh) Digimon Survive [Switch] 60$ down to 17$ Persona 5 [Switch] 60$ down to 29$ Anyone score anything good?
  18. It's almost that time of year, yano, Christmas.


    Will this year FINALLY bring another legendary Kerli-mas? Cause the last one we had has been a couple of years, tho idk if any others can top the Weapons era songs we got. All I want for Xmas is Bubblegum. 🤣

    And CLs All In, finally.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I need you, All In :yeah: 

    2. Kesha Slays

      Kesha Slays

      We need CL's "All In", "Let Me Love You", "Burn Rubber" and honestly her whole vaulted unreleased collection 😂

  19. Been playing Octopath Traveler cotc, the mobile/pc game, Pokemon Scarlet, and Dreamlight Valley (just to buy the shop out and log out). Dreamlights current "battle pass", they call them Star Paths, is ending tonight which means the next update is finally coming. New Star Path, Toy Story world with Buzz and Woody moving into your valley. I'm hoping they surprise us and add a lot of stuff because this drip feed of characters is killing me. That and more clothing/furniture. I'm still at the beginning, like first 30 min, of Pokemon. I got into the Octopath mobile game the night of Pokemons release and I keep saying "one more battle to get more rubies to then get more gacha pulls" and 6 hours pass, still playing Octo with Pokemon paused still lol. (Pointless rant in spoiler lol)
  20. New song with Kerli ♥ 

     Wish whatever she was working on a while back would finally come out tho.

  21. Hopefully very soon Kerli will give us more info on the upcoming song, and music video she recorded like 2 weeks ago,  she kinda got us hype then went quiet, again. 


    I also really wish I could find out once and for all if there is truly a bubblegum demo/rough studio recording. Was a rumor back when she performed it and never heard anything else of it. So I have my doubts. But would be beyond overjoyed to at least know someone has it/it exists, so then I can sell an organ, maybe a nut, to buy it from someone lmao. Or trade. Cuz currently I have Flaws and Sincerely to trade for other Kerli.

    Someone find it for me xo

  22. We were right, Army Of Loves continuation is coming!

  23. Kerli is teasing with Army Of Love on her insta, and a secret insta group. Could we finally be getting the army of love continuation?????? I'd be so fucking happy.

  24. And my boys, Loki and Simba, Loki is gay for Simba and tries to hump him daily, but Simba wants Mischief, my female cat posted earlier.

    A pussy love triangle lmao.



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