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Everything posted by Rauru






  2. I just watched We Need To Do Something and while it was an okay movie, the "I'm a good boy" part at the door was a good spine tingling chill scare lol.


    The voice is Ozzy apparently, didn't even cross my mind it was him lol.


    Also watched the Haunting of the Queen Mary and had to look up an explained video because it was a somewhat clusterfuck lol.


    All I want is some good apocalypse (not necessarily Zombie, more horror like Birdbox, or supernatural/extraterrestrial kinds or similiar) and good space horror/cosmic horrors, but I've seen them all it seems. 😔 

  3. Can confirm, after 100% completion, this is probably one of Nintendos most faithful and perfect remakes. From start to finish, everything was perfection. Do I wish they'd added more new content? Sure. Who wouldn't want more Mallow and Geno. Do I think what they did add was good enough? Of course. Post game super bosses that lead up to a "super secret boss", won't spoil anything but it was awesome. I'm considering a second playthrough already. (Only thing holding me from doing it is I finally got into Xenoblade Chronicles, after owning all 3 on Switch but not being able to click with it, blazed thru 1 and 2 and am finally doing 3 lol) I did cry, lol, at the credits because it dawned on me, 27 years later we finally got a remake, and I feel older than I am. My main hope is the sales reflect well and finally push Nintendo to do an actual sequel, same style and such. Paper Mario is good and fine but Mario RPG is just so unique and deserves a direct sequel. 10/10
  4. Dear Santa


    Year 2 of me wishing for another Kerlimas.

    Plz deliver this time, ya old fucker.



    With love,




    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Dear Santa,

      Year 28 of me wishing for another Kerlimas boyfriend.

      Plz deliver this time, ya old fucker.

      With love,


  5. With Kerli doing patreon, I'm hopeful that she'll pull some demos from the past out, she said she'd do something of the sort.

    I've commented about Bubblegum many times lately and she's liked each comment, I'm praying she'll either release the demo or for a bigger pipe dream, re-record it or something.

    I've spent the past few days trying to use ai to help the only recording we have of it sound better but Jesus it's bad. You can barely here the electronic music in the verses and just imagining being able to hear it as a studio recording, ugh.

    Someone dig it up and share plz 😔 

    I've been petitioning for this song since March 2011, from the Kiss Me Deadly show at SXSW.

    (A little side story) I was living a few hours from home to be with my ex fiancé at the time, wed come to visit my parents and as we were about to leave Kerlis set was about to be streamed. I made my ex immediately stop at a local McDonald's, pull his laptop out, and pull it up.

    Bubblegum and When You Cry just blew my Lil 19 year old brain, for Kerli songs anyway. And ever since I've searched and begged and pleaded to get a hold of it, and When You Cry, my ex said it was "our song", which I did get after some time, pre-leak, AFTER we split, bawled like a baby when I first listened to it lol.

    So in a weird way, both songs mean a lot to me, and are like an end of an era type deal.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I didn't know she had a Patreon now! Isn't that what she was doing for the Roots era which went nowhere? :yeah: 

      I can't see Bubblegum getting an official release at this point because her sound is so different now, but maybe she could sell it to another artist or get a DJ to feature on it or something like that :orly: 

  6. Taking a break from begging for Bubblegum from Kerli, to beg for All In by CL to finally leak. 🙏 

  7. Idk what this means but ????




  8. -patiently waiting for more Kerli leaks, you can't tease me with 2 then disappear #leakbubblegum -

  9. Shit, Poppy killed it with Knockoff holy crap

  10. So..2 kerli leaks and then silence? Cmon now, don't be shy, leak more, 😭 

  11. I can't believe Cashmere and Solar Powered from Kerli finally surfaced 🙏 

    I like Cashmere but SP is my favorite of the two. It's so fucking good and I hope the leaks continue 😭 

  12. Anyone got the m4a to share from iTunes? 🙏
  13. Literally been waiting 3 decades for this. Easily the best announcement from the recent Nintendo Direct, Tears of the Kingdom DLC would've been nice too but maybe they'll announce that in the fall direct for a winter release alongside the 2 new amiibo from the Direct. But anyway! Makes sense now why the original game was never put on the Nintendo Switch Online. And maybe, now that they are officially releasing it, this will open the door for the characters, like the beloved Geno finally making his way into the next Smash Bros, as well as a true sequel finally if the sales are as good as I predict they will be. November, get here soon 🙏
  14. I just realized it's been long time since Chromatica holy shit 😂
  15. PS. Tears of the Kingdom was fucking amazing, after 300 hours I'm starting my second play and hoping that when we get the next Nintendo Direct they announce a good dlc, along with the data mined new Ganandorf and Zelda amiibo.

    Also excited for them to announce Persona 5 Tactica and the Persona 3 Remake on Switch as well.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rauru


      It was straight up amazing. I was scared for a bit pre-launch but man. And if the deliver even just another dlc like BotW had? I'll be happy af. (Though sure, I'd love something bigger. Absolutely no spoilers because you just have to experience it blind, but one thing I would love in a dlc is more Sky Islands. The start area is about the same size as botws Great Plateau, apart from that there's a handful of islands but none really substantial size wise. There are some cool ideas in the sky areas that are only used once or twice so expanding on that would be awesome. And it was datamined that there are 2 amiibos not released so fingers crossed it all happens, and within a few months like botw) But I had so much fun, joy, sadness, all of the emotions playing. I highly recommend it, and depending on your play style, you've got twice as much to explore VS botw. (Sky, land, caves, and the chasms/underground)

      I get way into talking about Zelda 😂 ♥ 

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      That's weird that there aren't that many islands floating around. I thought that was the main difference between this game and the last! If they do do a DLC, I hope we get something cool like a story from Zelda's perspective 👀

    4. Rauru


      Same! It made me think more of Skyward Sword but then again it didn't have that many either. But the underground is massive, which they showed absolutely little of, just a shot of enemies mining some ore, so it shocked me for sure. And I agree, no spoilers but power wise the ending wouldn't give way for a post game like I'd like for once but perhaps we can play as Zelda from her perspective throughout the games story because there'd be a load of stuff to be seen of what she went thru, again no spoilers, or if Nintendo is making us still be Link, maybe let us get to where Zelda is throughout the game and let us also learn more about the ancient Zonai civilization/Hyrules creation. Idk. I just really hope they add more armor like they did in botws dlc because even tho we got some new armor, I'd love more. One thing the trailers showed several times was Hateno village and some mushroom like structures/fashion, so I expected a mush outfit but sadly we get a God awful hat and nothing else. They also took away the gerudo outfit, female one, so maybe a Ganon themed armor would be cool since he's also gerudo. 

      We just need a direct soon, apart from Pikmin 4 we have 0 major titles lined up for the second half of the year and playstation/Xbox have had showcases already.

  16. Hey Kerli, if Bonnie can re-record old music to release so can you. Redo Weapons of Mass Creation and Utopia, they'd fit so well with the Joy aesthetic, and you'd be giving your long time fans something they've waited over a decade for. 


    Also someone leak a new Kerli track I'm fucking dying here, preferably Bubblegum, for the love of God. Lol.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      This is a great idea! She could literally finish these two albums within a couple of months. But instead I'm sure we'll get another Eurovision reject or 10 minute long music video and then nothing for months... :yeah: 

  17. Hope this means the album isn't far behind!
  18. Someone should feed an AI Kerli stuff and make an AI Bubblegum edit.


    Ill never give up on this track, ever. At least until someone finds the demo and shares it anyway.

  19. Going insane waiting for Thursday night to get here so I can ignore the world and play tears of the Kingdom.

    The leaks are so tempting but I'd be so mad at myself spoiling it for myself. BotW was such a magical experience and TotK is shaping up to be 3 times as good 🙏 On My Way Nintendo GIF by GIPHY Gaming

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I have a friend who's been playing the leak and he says it's a great game! I hope you love it just as much <3 

    2. Rauru


      If I had a PC, I'd probably have broke by now and emulated it lol. I didn't even watch the new gameplay Nintendo allowed some YouTube channels to record after they were invited to try it at Nintendo Europe, until last night. I knew it'd be hard enough as is so seeing new gameplay would ruin me haha. Just 2 more sleeps 🙏 🙏 

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      See you in a month when you finish the game I guess :cackle: 

  20. Melanie should've used something like these for the Death single cover. (Sorry for the bad quality and etc, on mobile since I have no pc lol)Screenshot_20230327-202922_YouTube~2.jpgScreenshot_20230327-203304_YouTube~2.jpg

  21. Can anyone do a zip or anything with all Cry Baby + Portals demos/outtakes for me? I was obsessed when it was coming out and lived and breathed her, then K12 was okay and I lost interest until Death lol.
  22. Porcelain posted the other day about new snippets on her, idk paid insta or whatever she wants people to pay to sub to, did anyone see/hear what they were?

    Suspicious Monkey GIF by MOODMAN

  23. It'd be nice if you could get a notification letting you know why a post was removed so you know why and not to do it again vs it vanishing and you thinking it was some kind of site error.

    So my bad for posting something twice not realizing why it was removed.

    1. Rauru


      And that wasn't meant mean spirited or anything, just clearing up confusion.

  24. My posts keep disappearing? Did I break a rule or something cause I have no notices or anything. 😔 Sad Family Time GIF by Lifetime

    1. ChildOfTheMoon


      they were probably just moved to whatever thread they should have been posted into 



    Give me Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, shadkw drop of Advance Wars, a few surprises, maybe new NSO expansion updates, idk. I'm hyped!

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