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Everything posted by Rauru

  1. 01 Glow in the Dark (feat. Kerli) [O.m4a 04 - Kerli - Journey Through the Elven Kingdom.mp3 tyDi feat. Kerli - Something About You (Edit) (iTunes).m4a tyDi & Kerli - Stardust.mp3
  2. Here's a few, just off of the top of my head. Didn't really look to see what was missing. 02 Worlds Apart (feat. Kerli).m4a 05 Keep It Close (feat. Kerli).m4a Worlds_Apart_Kerli_vocal_Remix.mp3
  3. If you're missing anything or need higher qualities of some things, lemme know. I had a master post on another site with all of her i+ stuff, demos, leaks, alts, etc.
  4. Morgan//Aja//Shangela//Milk//Kennedy//ChiChi//Ben//Thorgy//Trixie Show is supposedly coming early 2018, with S10 following later next year. Still one queen left to be RuVealed, likely closer to the show airing.
  5. Shouldn't Mad Hatter be dropping soon w/ an announcement for the new album?
  6. Uggggggggggh. 


  7. Rose McGowan said she's hoping to get songs mixed by the end of the week. Hmhmhm.

  8. These Evanescence Vinyls need to hurry and ship. I wanna hear the new Even In Death.

    1. --Out of Business--

      --Out of Business--

      Some people on IG already have theirs...hopefully soon. I wanna hear the new EID so badly.

    2. Rauru


      Someone posted a 30 second clip, now we wait ughhh

  9. I never finished it fully myself, same with 8. I haven't given them a proper play since I was younger, 9 was my first, and the rest just didn't do it quite like it did for me haha. I do love 8 and 10, and i'm finally into 7 enough again.
  10. I love Kyaryyyy 


    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I still find the opening part of this song really annoying, but the rest of it is a bop! :hail: I can't at this video tho, it looks like they legit made it using Snapchat filters... :stretcher: 

  11. I've been replaying FF7. It's been yearrrrrsssss.
  12. Nintendo Switch - 300$, 3/3/2017.

    Zelda plz

    1. Woodcrest


      I've never heard of Nintendo Switch, are they a new band and do they have any other material out?

      Also 300$ is a really weird name for an album I'm sure they'll flop


  13. tfw you can't find my stereo by heather bright online anymore gdi

  14. Interview today, then I got asked out on a date, wot m8? I feel like something in the universe is trying to play me.


  15. Anyone want a song from iTunes? I have like 4$ on my account and there's nothing I want. 


    Image result for pink guy gif

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tweener


      Buy Bangerz!

    3. Rauru


      Already have it :yaskween::yaskween:

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Buy A-Yo Million Reasons, the second single from Lady Gaga's hit new album Joanne!

  16. finally kolbalt updates their site but no public search anymore ugh

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Is this Kobalt Synch? It's still down for me... :( 

    3. Rauru


      The synch is diff now. You have to apply for it, their main site is different too.

    4. Rauru


      And yeah they had a 'public' search, it was the one place I knew where to get music from and figured out how to get the full tacks. Never did get Island by Kerlisus tho.

  17. I cant believe it
  18. I'm so perched for this EP Rose McGowan is dropping. Just wish she'd give updates more often. 10 tracks with RM486 (Piano Version). UGH. Rm is still my shit.


    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Has she released anything since the first single? :o I haven't heard from her since she dissed gay dudes. :stretcher: 

  19. MERRY CHRISTMAS! For anyone that wanted a rip with the Blossom remix, here. https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/0B5cjb8jiRgf_Q1FUaURMWWdaZ2M




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