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Everything posted by Rauru

  1. OoooOoooooh girl. Fuck a bunch of Gamestop. Restocked an edition of the game I wanted before its release, I ordered it even though I don't have a ps4 rn, ordered FF15 along with it because why not, 4 days later, they cancel half my order, the good half.
  2. i'd still give anything for it regardless
  3. Perfect Day, much like a few others i.e. Bubblegum, are never going to leak.
  4. The cherry on top of my life: I have the flu right before my birthday.

    Only thing thats funny is my voice is deeper like 10 octaves.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Isn't that always the way? :flush: It's probably a good thing tho, I hope you spend your birthday in bed and not out partying with your crazy friends. :shocked: 

    2. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      this happens to me every birthday i get super sick

      this year i grew an inch :cackle:

  5. Two more days ughhhhhhhh.
  6. Ugh I finally got My Stereo by Heather Bright again. :fishie:

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      You better stan Bright Lights! :bop: 

  7. Per BuzzFeed, hundreds of Australian fans *allegedly* saw Justin Bieber morph into a giant reptile at the Perth Airport last week. One Australian outlet published an article about the startling *alleged* transformation and how “all hell broke loose” upon Justin’s *alleged* shape-shifting but quickly deleted it. YourNewsWire.com reports this is not the first time a site has taken down an article describing the accidentally public *alleged!* shape-shifting of a celebrity (they themselves reported last June many had seen Queen Elizabeth transform into “reptilian form” on live TV.). But since other accounts of Justin’s *alleged* transformation remain live, let’s examine them together. The way NeonNettle.com tells it, Justin’s *alleged* morphing “traumatized” witnesses so badly it caused “mass panic. Some frantically took to social media while [others] vomited and scrambled into taxis to escape.” Unbelievable. “Multiple accounts” claim Alizustin (that’s *alleged* Lizard Justin) had “greenish-brown claws” and “turd-colored scales.” Others say Alizustin took “full female reptilian form,” though who are they to assign a gender identity to a reptilian shape-shifter? It’s 2017, you all should know better than to judge a human-size lizard by his/her/their cover. The now-deleted Perth Now piece detailed Alizustin’s appearance (god, really, though, guys, is this proof we are far too focused on looks or what??) further: “His head shrunk and his eyes went black with a black stripe down the middle. He grew a few feet taller and had gross [colored] scales all over his body,” the post read. In fact, Alizustin’s transformed appearance was so scary to some, one fan told the site she “won’t be going to any [Justin Bieber concerts] now, no way.” Wow. The day after the *ALLEGED* airport sighting, rumors of further shapeshifting persisted. A local skater told YourNewsWire.com Justin couldn’t control the constant, *ALLEGED* shifting, turning back and forth from human to lizard while he hung out with a bodyguard. The skater, who clearly has reading to do on the offensive and common stereotyping of Resting Gigantic Reptile Bitch Face, said Alizustin had “slitty little reptile eyes.” Listen, I know *ALLEGED!!!!* celebrity shape-shifting can be scary. But is it really a reason to discriminate? Do human-lizard hybrids not also bleed some form of blood? Do they not too feel some form of feelings? Do they not cry themselves to sleep at night reading Facebook comments about how some trolls wish they’d die? I’m just saying. I’m just saying. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. http://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/a9141160/justin-bieber-lizard-theory/ I AM DEAD SEND HELP.
  8. Evanescence, Kerli, Seether, Breaking Ben., Skillet, 3 Days Grace, Cobra Starship, All Time Low, 3OH!3, loads at Warped including Jeffree Star and Katy Perry, Fallout Boy (50 Cent opened lmao), too many to list.
  9. Friday is sooooo far. Stanning for local talent, Miss Elephant Queen, but eager to see everyone and what they bring.
  10. release date: sept 2016


    'can now focus on album, couldn't cause visit estonia' 'need a few more months' 'realistically early 2017' 'most songs are written/ writing video treatments' [oct 2016]


    'can now focus on album' 'most songs written' 'just tweaking/working on artwork/has songs she wants videos for'

    [mar 2017]



  11. Illenium and Kerli's song Sound Of Walking Away is coming soon. (I'm thinking end of month/first of April) 


    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Get that crossover hit sis! :yaskween: 

    2. Alejandro ZM

      Alejandro ZM

      someone has the link for kerli's song "heart line"

  12. 'Almost done' She been saying the same thing for months now, that most/all songs are written and its all tweaking now. Gurl, you're killing me and i'm losing hope. You best be two stepping and releasing something this month to piggyback off of Eesti Laul while that's still fresh in peoples brains.
  13. APPARENTLY, theres a group in Estonia taking a look into the votes for Eesti Laul, Kerlis line was down around 10 minutes during voting.

    1. Feral Heart

      Feral Heart

      oh lord... 

      imagine if the win has to be taken away from verona :stretcher: i can believe that kerli is the real winner but i don't want there to be a lot of drama

      although that would be good promo :mo: 

    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Eesti Laul taking notes from the OSCARs I see... :cackle: 

    3. Woodcrest


      Probably because Estonia didn't want to end up winning and have to spend millions hosting it :cackle: 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rauru


      Yup, the ending was bad. But, the view count has already surpassed the others, hoping it proves the same for the voting. Only a few minutes!

    3. Feral Heart

      Feral Heart

      she would have a few months to improve if she won but i don't see people giving her the chance tbh :( 

      although the producers seem to have a lot of hope in her asking her to come and putting her last

    4. Rauru


      2nd place :c

  15. Im in love with this channel oml. 


    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      The Justin one is iconic! :hail: 


    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Watched three seconds and pressed stop. :cackle: 

  17. March 24th, on VH1

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I was wondering how she would make this video creepy and she managed to do it. :stretcher: I have no idea how she matched her voice so perfectly!

    2. Third Eye

      Third Eye

      This is.. Scary?

  19. Kerli will be performing last at the finale for Eesti. Reading a lot of comments, a lot of people think she'll get this, and its seeming like producers are wanting her to win as well by putting her last, since SA stands out from the rest. Not to mention, this stage performance is going to be a lot bigger, I guess we'll see. I do want her to go on to Eurovision because it'd be great for promo for her album, but that's also longer we'll have to wait. Then again, even if she's knocked out right here in the finale, I still have a feeling we wont get it as soon as we'd hope. (Still hoping for a March/April release, even though its highly unlikely)

    1. Third Eye

      Third Eye

      I'm so afraid that she will lose because of that

  20. It's so hard to find their Boom Boom music in good quality, even more so Karamel. I love them and can't wait.
  21. Ugh all these Nothing Lasts Forever demos (and other demos from Floptalia) that leaked, can't find a one, cept the very first one. Gurl.

    1. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      they leaked in a batch

    2. Rauru


      Shit, no wonder I cant find them anywhere.:fishie:

  22. So glad my taxes come in tomorrow so I can retire this laptop lorT

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