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Rauru last won the day on December 10 2024

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About Rauru

  • Birthday 04/10/1991

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  1. And here's a glitch from early game Cyberpunk. I'm still in love regardless because of the 2.0 and 2.1 updates plus now that im not on a ps4, I can actually get the dlc and go ham 🙏 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I feel the exact same way! Cyberpunk vibes in an open world game is exactly what I need, especially when Night City is so big and has so much to explore. I looooove your lineup of Spice Girls dolls next to Cyberpunk figures :hail: Truly an iconic duo! Did you end up siding with Songbird or Reed in PL? :orly: 

    3. Rauru


      I haven't even gotten to PH yet tbh 😂 I had to start brand new since I was on ps4 before and nothing transferred for me, but I've heard there's a big choice so I cannot wait 🙏 I've got it, hogwarts, resident evil 4, and for some reason I decided to replay Borderlands in the midst of having several many brand new games for me to play haha.

      And I love my dolls 🙏 I'd love to get my hands on every Spice Girl set sooner or later, finish my Matrix ones (missing 3), and maybe if I hit the lottery one day I can FINALLY finish my Sailor Moon doll collection from my childhood 😭 The 3rd series is fucking expensive as fak.

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Omg! I'm so sorry I spoiled it for you! But tbh it's a choice you make pretty early on so hopefully I didn't give too much away! Let me know what you think once you finish PL. I really enjoyed it but I love the world and characters so much that I wish it was like double the length. Hogwarts Legacy was really fun too! Even though the plot was nothing special, I've always wanted a game where you can just run around an open world Hogwarts so that was super cool!

      What Sailor Moon dolls do you have? <3 I only have the original five SG dolls and I opened all of them so there's no collectors value anymore :cackle: 

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