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Rauru last won the day on December 10 2024

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About Rauru

  • Birthday 04/10/1991

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  1. PS. Tears of the Kingdom was fucking amazing, after 300 hours I'm starting my second play and hoping that when we get the next Nintendo Direct they announce a good dlc, along with the data mined new Ganandorf and Zelda amiibo.

    Also excited for them to announce Persona 5 Tactica and the Persona 3 Remake on Switch as well.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rauru


      It was straight up amazing. I was scared for a bit pre-launch but man. And if the deliver even just another dlc like BotW had? I'll be happy af. (Though sure, I'd love something bigger. Absolutely no spoilers because you just have to experience it blind, but one thing I would love in a dlc is more Sky Islands. The start area is about the same size as botws Great Plateau, apart from that there's a handful of islands but none really substantial size wise. There are some cool ideas in the sky areas that are only used once or twice so expanding on that would be awesome. And it was datamined that there are 2 amiibos not released so fingers crossed it all happens, and within a few months like botw) But I had so much fun, joy, sadness, all of the emotions playing. I highly recommend it, and depending on your play style, you've got twice as much to explore VS botw. (Sky, land, caves, and the chasms/underground)

      I get way into talking about Zelda 😂 ♥ 

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      That's weird that there aren't that many islands floating around. I thought that was the main difference between this game and the last! If they do do a DLC, I hope we get something cool like a story from Zelda's perspective 👀

    4. Rauru


      Same! It made me think more of Skyward Sword but then again it didn't have that many either. But the underground is massive, which they showed absolutely little of, just a shot of enemies mining some ore, so it shocked me for sure. And I agree, no spoilers but power wise the ending wouldn't give way for a post game like I'd like for once but perhaps we can play as Zelda from her perspective throughout the games story because there'd be a load of stuff to be seen of what she went thru, again no spoilers, or if Nintendo is making us still be Link, maybe let us get to where Zelda is throughout the game and let us also learn more about the ancient Zonai civilization/Hyrules creation. Idk. I just really hope they add more armor like they did in botws dlc because even tho we got some new armor, I'd love more. One thing the trailers showed several times was Hateno village and some mushroom like structures/fashion, so I expected a mush outfit but sadly we get a God awful hat and nothing else. They also took away the gerudo outfit, female one, so maybe a Ganon themed armor would be cool since he's also gerudo. 

      We just need a direct soon, apart from Pikmin 4 we have 0 major titles lined up for the second half of the year and playstation/Xbox have had showcases already.

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