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Rauru last won the day on December 10 2024

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About Rauru

  • Birthday 04/10/1991

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  1. Just had a fun experience, here's a lengthy post.

    My cousin, who's I've been fairly close with all my life, just lost it or something.

    We heard a noise on the porch, which sounded like the cats fighting again so mom went and opened the door as I stood up to help split them up, but it was my cousin Chris. He shoved mom out of the way onto a recliner, broke thru my door and knocked some of my stuff off my shelves, grabbed me by the wrists and held them over my head while he shoved me in a corner, trapping me. He looked possessed, fucking evil look in his eyes. Mom tried to be calm and ask what was wrong and say we loved him and didn't understand. I was scared to death because if she hadn't made him think, he could've easily beat the shit out of me or worse.  He finally let go and grabbed onto my beds headboard, put his head down and cried, then left. Never spoke a single word. He broke our dog gate on the porch in half, that was the noise we heard. Broke the handle on our storm door clean off. Broke my door in half. And threw some of my stuff around.


    I guess he walked back to his house, 2 houses up (my moms family basically live in a line. Sister across from us, 2 houses right of hers is my uncle, which is where Chris lives with his gf and newborn daughter. Then mom's mother lives next door to them.)

    It took us a minute to even process what had just happened and get semi calmed down. I just can't understand why he came here, of all places. I went to mow my grandmas lawn and the mower wouldn't work so he came and tried to help my dad and I, he seemed perfectly fine, that was about 2 hours before this happened. 

    We were told that his dad or someone had taken his keys because he was drunk, as well as some girl he was supposed to meet up with threatened that if he didn't meet her she'd tell his wife what they'd done or something, and it all set him off or something. He's always had anger issues and has become an alcoholic in the past few years. It scares me because he has a few handguns, his dad has several other guns, and with his anger he could easily kill someone. 

    5 cop cars came within a few minutes, because his dad called them when he realized he was coming to our house, we had no idea anything was happening. He was arrested and I guess they're holding him for the night or something. The shitty thing is the cops never came to ask us if we were okay or what happened. They talked to his mom and dad and left, when we were the only ones he laid hands on, not to mention him breaking in. His dad said if we wanted to press charges to go ahead, seeing as we literally had nothing to do with it. He apparently tried to take his newborn from his wife's arms, which he clearly wasn't in his right mind and would've hurt her without realizing, so his wife took his newborn girl and their other daughter and left when it started. He even went next door to our grandmas, 70+ and can barely walk, took her cane and threatened to kill her.

    I'm still kinda in shock and nerve wracked. Hopefully this means hell lose the right to have guns. And maybe they will get rid of the guns in the house because I honestly think if he'd had his on him, it would have been a lot worse for them or especially us, since we're the ones he "assaulted". (Quotes because while he did shove mom in the ribs and caused her some pain after, and my wrists/arms from the way he grabbed and pulled me around, he did more damage to the house than us, thankfully.)

    Family, man.

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Jesus Christ! I'm so sorry this happened to you boo. The fact the police didn't even ask you if you're okay is so wrong and gross...Are your family at least looking after you?

      I would hope that maybe you could get this all sorted out between you where he pays for all the damage he caused and promises to go to therapy or something...I feel like taking it to court would just make things worse for him and probably be expensive for everyone, but if that's what you've gotta do then that's what you've gotta do.

      I hope you and your mum are okay and not too shaken up :( Keeping you in my thoughts baby <3 

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