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Rauru last won the day on December 10 2024

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About Rauru

  • Birthday 04/10/1991

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  1. Sorry for all the status updates but im just, fucking elated. Some of yall dont understand how much of a Kerli stan ive been since 07/08, and how HARD I was stanning this cybergoth stupid pop phase of hers, and we ultimately didnt get it. I distinctly remember making my ex pull over when she performed at Kiss Me Deadly, remember screaming over them not airing a few songs she sang live to the online audience, and remember just BOPPIN to Bubblegum, When You Cry, and then later that summer Dollface. When I was still in with the (SIN) trading, that era was all I wanted to find ? Lost my shit when we finally got a studio When You Cry. Totalled my car leaving my ex's place a few years back, after I caught him cheating on me, stayed with a coworker and woke up to the Dollface leak. (My priorities lol)



    Basically what im saying is

    For the love of god leak more if this era, is what in saying. Mainly Bubblegum. ?? kgnite and th person who leaked ????

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      It’s so cool when an era you’ve been interested in for so many years finally starts surfacing online! I can only imagine how excited I would be if Gaga’s ‘Quicksand’ ever leaked. :cackle: Enjoy it!

    2. Ice Prince

      Ice Prince

      I'm always craving for Kerli material even if I found her in like early 2017. I was completely destroyed after the Roots era got shelved, and knowing that Utopia remains incomplete without Made for Loving You.... and all of the songs that must be unknown from 2010-2012 might be just strikingly good! If songs in the vein of Scream / When You Cry / Dollface ever begin surfacing in more quantities, I might (just might) die happy!!! :yaskween: 

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