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Rauru last won the day on December 10 2024

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About Rauru

  • Birthday 04/10/1991

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  1. Not Disgasting Banks saying she's been trying to run from the gays for years. That we latch onto her like pitbulls sucking teeth. That she has more female fans than gays. That were faggots and she makes music for black people, not gays.




    Here's some screenshots, may be doubles idk but I had to share.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rauru
    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Sadly the gays who are into her won't even care about this and will just keep streaming 212 "Bcuz it's so kunt!!!". She should have been over a decade ago but y'all just had to keep hyping her up!

    4. Rauru


      I liked one song from her years ago, and quickly saw what kinda person she is. She doesn't deserve any kind of fame or shit. She's a truly disgusting and vile person inside and out. I can't help but roll my eyes when she says how she's a hard worker but also doesn't want to bother making music due to it catering to the wrong audience. Uh girl, gays make up a good 80% percent of most if not all female singers' fandom. Don't matter if your black, white, rainbow colored or not. So to say you don't want to make music for gays basically is you saying you want to stay a flop but worse. 😂 

  2. Santa failed for the 3rd year in a row on Kerli leaks.

    😭 #GiveKoryBubblegum

  3. It's Christmas Eve, in 4 minutes,

    Where's our Kerlimas 😭 

    And CL-All-In-mas too.



  4. America is fucked.

    Also hi, hey, hello. Christmas is coming. Kerlimas plz this season 😭 😭 more 2010-2012 stuff, bubblegum is top of my list to Santa for the 13th year in a row. Bastard 😢 

  5. Payne, who was one of the group’s standout singers, fell from the third floor of a hotel in Buenos Aires, emergency services officials said. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/16/arts/music/liam-payne-dead-one-direction.html Never was a 1D fan but even I was shocked to hear. RiP
  6. How I feel with Bubblegum lol Neither of these songs have any clips, snippets, or anything and it's so frustrating. I know a demo/studio recording of Bubblegum has to exist somewhere. Someone is bound to have it I mean ffs it's been like 13 years. I've begged pleaded and searched high and low ever since she performed it for the only time. And as for IWMFLY I still can't get over Warner leaking Utopia on their publishing site before we even knew the name of the album, but managed to not post just one song. Someone end our suffering, please. I've even considered putting some money aside and offering like 100$ for Bubblegum 😂 That's how desperate I am at this point.
  7. Made For Loving You is long overdue. But I'll die on the we need Bubblegum hill.
  8. I miss Space Cowboy. Imagine if Gaga and him got together for LG7.

    I just miss those 2000s sounds. (Which is another reason I'll never be able to die happy until I have and hear a demo/studio recording of Bubblegum from Kerli. It's my peak 2010s dream. 😭)

  9. nvm finally found it lol

  10. We need some Kerli leaks.

  11. All these leaks, and no Kerli.

  12. I'm 33 as of last month.

    And it just dawned on me I've spent more than a decade begging, pleading, and searching for a studio demo for Bubblegum by Kerli.

    And it's still ongoing.


  13. I have an old youtube Porcelain Black fan account that I uploaded the Mannequin Factory leaks back when.

    I just randomly remembered it, checked, and Pretty Little Psycho has 2.9 million views 😂 

    1. ChildOfTheMoon


      it is her best song so it seems fair

  14. Who wants to send me Kerlis new single as a 6 day late birthday present? 😂 

  15. Kerlis new song is out on her patreon, The Art of Being Alone. 

    I hope it's a bop 🙏 

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