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From The Outside

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Everything posted by From The Outside

  1. Haha post it afterwards wanna see and I don't night make one tho just finding photos of her is difficult
  2. It's definitely one of there best songs of all time
  3. Literally I don't think they've had a bad song.
  4. cant forget this jem.
  5. Especially the long hot summer
  6. Would you share them?
  7. People think it's either Aria or Emily
  8. There's now rumors that one of them will die because of the script marlene posted had 5 roses on the front and one was dead.
  9. Im so ready for this ending i mean its dragged on too long i love the show so much even through the slow filler episodes, just cant believe we have to wait till next year so unfair.
  10. Yeah two week break for some reason.
  11. Cant wait for this too be back can't believe they did two episodes then a a break.
  12. she wrote 250 songs for this album! we need more sides of emotion lol
  13. It is really strange cause they've never not shown anything that's happened to them, incase it's shook her that much.... wouldn't keep it gone to long people would forget about them not seeing them on them everyweek.
  14. Totally have to agree with you! there so overrated.
  15. Love the textless version.
  16. Rihanna.
  17. So happy that we're gonna get a studio Forever 21
  18. Would hardly call wearing what you've bought flaunting, if that's the case everyone needs to be robbed.
  19. I didn't know this, this excites me for the album even more now
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