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From The Outside

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Everything posted by From The Outside

  1. Lorde Melodrama Allie X CollXtion II Paramore After Laughter
  2. I don't even know what i think about this but thought would post it anyway.
  3. The finale was both good and bad still left with some questions the whole twin thing seemed rushed to me but made sense In the end, bittersweet that it ended could have watched more
  4. I love this!!
  5. I loved the DLC too, i really wish there is a third game!
  6. Totally agree it's better than the first one! Loved playing it over and over till i had everything.
  7. Thanks and just used a bunch of paint textures and put them together till i liked what i had.
  8. I didn't even realise that was kesha when i first saw it
  9. That wasn't a joke I just said imagine the reaction she would have got it she played that.
  10. Not to be nasty but this was horrible.....
  11. I truly hate Madonna lol Her music is well ok sometimes but I has hate her as a person and I don't even know why it's her being practically naked with her saggy skinned chicken looking skin it just makes me sick
  12. I'm making one for Speakerphone but can't decide on a photo
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