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Everything posted by ifuseekme

  1. shes probably scheduling them when they're in the news so when u google taylor swift, it'll eventually show up
  2. Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time. Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.
  3. https://fanburst.com/ifuseekme/music-acoustic
  4. omg thats too hard i love both of those i'll go with bad liar tho Britney spears make me vs. bad liar
  5. there are also flavored lubes, but they almost all got bad feedback
  6. im so happy to hear that things are getting better
  7. just to save yall time with tasting bad flavors
  8. i just found this thread again someone reposted it on soundcloud so i thought it was worthhy of being posted here
  9. i did right after i posted this one
  10. yass just curious, but who adds the new emotes
  12. i had to because of the iconic masterpiece of wendy whaleiams
  13. so this is the first time i made emotes here so let me know what ya'll think if any of these get added, please use the code :whale: or :fatwhale:
  14. New stem acoustic version https://fanburst.com/ifuseekme/britney-spears-love-me-down-ifuseekme-acoustic
  15. ya'll better not let this flop
  16. messier than artpop, britney jean, and me i am mariah combined also chyna's gonna get a restraining order against rob, but i dont blame her http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-kardashian-chyna-order-20170707-story.html I just feel so bad for the baby who's gonna be living through this when they're older
  17. I heard his caption was about how she got implants and injections
  18. so if you didnt hear already, rob kardashian leaked blac chyna's nudes because she cheated on him. Now she's saying she cheated on him because he hit her but he might get arrested for breaking revenge porn laws, but its not 100% certian yet
  19. this is an older one i forgot to post
  20. RIP whatever actually existed of this flop era
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