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Everything posted by xtophermorrison

  1. The clips she’s posting on Twitter and Instagram sound like she’s about to pull a JoJo and re-record ‘Weight’
  2. They sang I Predict a Riot which GA did a live cover of (and is a Bside to WLH I think?). They also sang Ruby (my personal favorite), and Love's Not A Competition (But I'm Winning) is pretty good too!
  3. They literally just executive produced the new Kaiser Chiefs album that came out last week? Well, at the very least Brian Higgins had his mitts all over it.
  4. Heartstrings was eventually released by Kylie on the Japanese version of Aphrodite. They also had Boys are Back in Town for that shampoo advert. Don't know if they just recorded a clip however.
  5. That really sucks, I'm sorry! If it's any consolation, it looks like the folders were taken down!
  6. What songs are in circulation for the Be A Fighter album? I have: You Bring Me Joy Shut Up Truth or Dare Party Over Blue Walk In My Shoes Promises Over and Out --I guess I'm only missing 5 tracks from the standard edition, right? Are any of the 5 out there?
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