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Everything posted by SkullPop

  1. So what do y'all think of this season so far! I'm pretty sure it's on my way to becoming my fave! So, there is a leak account on Twitter if I'm correct its @ahs6info if not I'll correct so the first 5 episodes are this docu-style. Episodes 6-9 is like the actors and real people and a big twist that's supposed to floor us with episode 10 just being there. Now, in an recent interview with EW Ryan said that they will go into the beginnings of the Mott family. If you don't remember then look it up. No, just think Dandy from Freakshow. With a nod to Coven. Lastly, Ryan's sneaky ass he's filming and had been creating a secret season with only 1 other person It's been kept extremely under warps. Lastly, they weren't just guarding the theme this season. As he put it they were hiding a hat that covers another hat that covers another hat (x10). So, hopefully there's no mess this season
  2. Is there a masterpost? If so can I get a link to download her unreleased? Thank You!
  3. In Lee's words "You married one jumpy bitch" In this case though Y'all jumpy as he'll. It was hilarious though cause my sister was watching it too and she jumped so hard she fell when Kathy got hit omg I died! But yea, they better get an intro stat I'm low-key pissed about that. Lol
  4. I love this season so far I agree with @Countess, if it continues this way it'll be my favorite season. Though, it's still not scary at all like any of the past season's. Though, it did have one of the best pilot's I've seen from this show. This season has a lot of potential I just hope they don't fuck it up and that they add an intro cause I missed it.
  5. So, I've been depressed for 4 years it started in 6th grade and the darkest it was was in 7th grade when I realized I was gay and had my first crush. In 7th I would spend all day listening to music really sad I almost commuted suicide twice not too many people know. I essentially had pills in my hand and was about to swallow them but the crush kept me going in a way. Then in 8th grade I got happier but still was extremely depressed (my family doesn't know) In the summer, before high school, I had this school program thingy it was like orientation but it lasted 6 weeks. So it was in July and I was very very down that day and I had everything set up when I got home my plan was to slit my wrists get in the bath and take pills as well too make sure I was dead and done with. But, that same day this kid told me something basically to take off my headphones and to talk too people otherwise I'd never make a friend. I can say I was grateful for that because, like a few mins. later there was this boy waiting for his ride outside of school (it reminded me of how I met my first crush) I really wanted to avoid conversation but I remembered what the kid said and thought to myself "Why not, I've got nothing to lose today is my last day anyway" Obviously, I'm still alive but as soon as I talked to him it's like all my sadness went away I felt amazing and happy I hadn't felt like that for awhile now. So we became friends and once the school year started we made some new friends we would still hang out but not as much eventually over fucking text I told him I had a crush on him. Fortunate for me, I got rejected beautifully. We're still friends currently but once he told me no it's like I was relived cause I knew my depressed ass would've not been good for him for that I was grateful. Currently I'm a sophomore and I thought I was finally happy when I recently cane to the realization that I'm not actually happy. I realized that I've become this person who I hate and since I told my friend about my crush my sadness had in fact been amplified. So, right now I can feel myself slowly losing my emotions and I know in order to get better I have to cut off all of my bad friends. This task is incredibly daunting me for me cause I'm attached to them and nearly 99% of them are bad. I cried today for the first time in 1 year. I hate crying I always try to hold it in. I'm only really myself when I'm with him I feel happy when I'm with him. My best friend we'll call her Daisy. So, most of my other friends have been mean to daisy even though they hang out they're pretty mean. Me and daisy are good friends I would say I reassure her she's notta fake bitch. But recently, she's been avoiding me essentially ghosting me she almost basically ignored my existence in the summer. By the way my depression is getting worse I think I'm going through another episode I call them. After I told my crush I've had some real happiness that lasts only for days. The majority of these other days I feel neutral not much emotion. But every once on a while I'll be severely depressed for weeks or even months on end. Today, I considered and almost attempted to kill myself with a belt. I can say my depression has gotten better but it's still very bad I hope I'll get better soon I'm not sure I can survive another 3 year severe depressive state I barley made it out alive last time by sheer luck. That's my long story I'm happy to take questions. Sorry for the length
  6. So I watched this show in one night. It was amazing I loved it it's a perfect blend of horror with other elements. To be honest, AHS needs to take notes and step up their game. Stranger Things, in my opinion, is better than every season of AHS. I still love AHS though. I feel it was overall written better and it was scarier than AHS. Cause the only thing scary about AHS is the teasers and openings. Stranger Things is a 8/10
  7. Numb - Marina And The Diamonds
  8. My condolences I hope you really let all if your emotions out. At least for me, I'm slightly happier once I do so. I also hope it's a beautiful service.
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