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Everything posted by SkullPop

  1. I'm excited for this!!! I used to not like DISGASTING, but I Stan!! If you could Stan Kim Petras being a fan of DISGASTING shouldn't be too hard.
  2. A messssss. I wonder if Katy will comment?
  3. I was crushing on him but we wouldn't have ever meshed! We were just friends! & Thank you! At first it was really hard but it was for the best!
  4. Oooh shit! Hella has happened! In trying to meet Rene for his present he kept delaying! I've had moments where I wanted to leave him but it became really prominent these past two months. So, he said he was called in for work, no biggie. The second planned meeting he also had work ok kind of sus but I brush it off. Eventually I felt he was cold & I couldn't deal with his bull anymore. He said he wanted me to not get sick, cause he got sick, & he was making excuses to not see me. On top of that, he has become a druggie! I don't need that in my life after trying to avoid that for the past 2 years!! So, I gave him his CHRISTMAS present on January 22nd. He loved it, & I was glad. Behind his back, I was planning to leave him as well. I knew though, if I had that present he wouldn't leave my mind & I was not about to throw that shit away. So, I think last week I dropped his ass, he was ignoring me, & being avoidant. I'm happier than ever I dropped him from my life, I don't need him to be happy! Nor do I need him for drugs or friendship. I have better friends than him & he's a lowlife. I deserve better. I'm glad Rene is out of my life for good.
  5. I agree with you wholeheartedly! I hope Morgan makes a comeback & knocks them out of the water! She's a fave
  6. I love Morgan so much! & Bebe is amazing! Tbh I was not a fan of milk. She could've done better & didn't feel authentic. But besides that & the Chi Chi mess I was shaken!!! That variety show left me Bald.
  7. You have a beautiful body & i fucking love your tattoos! They look so good!
  8. Thank you! I've been told I give quite a bite!
  9. Me with no beard: Me with beard:
  10. Until I hear more information, I'm not going to say anything like she's guilty. Only because, I do give people the benefit of the doubt. But if it's true, she deserves prison time.
  11. I'm glad I could teach you something! Gays can get everything btw
  12. Thank you boo! I'm glad to hear you're alright! You're very strong too, It must've been very difficult to convince yourself you're alright. & Don't worry darling, you aren't late at all! I'm glad you're okay now, keep shining your moonlight
  13. I don't blame you LMAO! But I got the cure for it so I'm good!
  14. Shoot me please. I got CHLYMEDIA
  15. Exactly!
  16. Awww a puppy how adorable! Thank you boo! That's good to hear too! Sunshine is proven to help get people smile more! All that vitamin D is good for ya!
  17. I love you too boo! Hope you're doing amazing btw love!
  18. I'll watch this on my birthday. I hope it's good! I think it'll be entertaining. I'm a fan of documentaries, but only the good ones.
  19. Nicole Dollanganger - Rampage
  20. I get you, I'm sure you already listen to a lot of music but maybe taking on a hobby might help! Try, gardening! I'm sure you'll love it!
  21. I'm sure it will pass! I encourage you to perhaps, smile more & to go for a few runs. I find it really helps!
  22. I dont know how else to describe it
  23. I probably will keep it up. Thank you boo! I wish you energy(only if you want energy of course)!
  24. LMAO the gifs made me laugh! Though thank you very much darling! It means a lot. I'm glad I'm over it too. It's actually quite easy to give up sex! You just gotta be in the right headspace for it. Plus you have to have the will & motivation. Thank you! I'm glad too! So far, It's going & it's looking very well ahead!
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