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Everything posted by SkullPop

  1. I’m a poor hoe & don’t have switch so NOT YET, but I really want too!!!
  2. FACTS!! We literally use the same characters ?
  3. I think you’d like Mortal Kombat!!! I love Super Smash Bros.!!! Peach is my favorite
  4. I can’t make a thread to save my life, but the new mortal Kombat is coming out & I’m so excited for it!!! The story looks amazing & the antagonist, Kronika, looks so sick! The roster is Johnny Cage Sonya Blade Scorpion Sub-Zero Jax Cassie Cage Jacqui Briggs Liu Kang Kitana Kung Lao Skarlet Baraka Cetrion Kabal Kano Kollector Erron Black Kotal Khan Shao Khan D’Vorah Raiden Frost Jade Noob Saibot & Geras DLC: Shang Tsung + 5 more which aren’t revealed yet! Story mode is said to be 8 hours long & each character has a wide array of customization! The game is due out April 23d & they’re introducing 3 new characters & custom variations into the game. Although, the custom variations will not be able to be used during ranked matches. The krypt also returns in a 3rd person konquest esque mode! Kombat Pack 1 will have 6 characters! It is unknown if there will be more DLC! So, who are you guys planning to main?! I’m going to main Kitana, Skarlet, & either Frost or Cetrion! I also hope we get to see Frost & Kitana next week! Do you guys have anyone you’d wish to see as DLC or any changes you hope they make as they’re patching up the game? What do you guys think of the villain this time around? Any theories? Discuss below!
  5. It’s been forever & a day, but thank you love!! & I’ve gotten that before ? I’m just insecure about my smile!
  6. Lol got my haircut
  7. Me recently after bopping to Pansy Boys
  8. You kmowwww it!!! If I start a channel I’ll let you know!
  9. We love it!!!! I got a shaver, face masks, skincare serums, $100, & a Starbucks gift card!!! I was feeling my Britney Spears fantasy
  10. I love this article!! It’s so sad though, Mariah definitely didn’t deserve this. I’d so be here for a collab though! It’d be so shady & so iconic
  11. ? But yesss!! They should give their season winner at LEAST a year to shine!!
  12. I’m rooting for Trinity, Naomi, Latrice, Jasmine, & Manila. I LOVE Monique & Monet but I don’t think there should be 2 winners from the same season in a row. Like say Raja won season 3 then in the next season Manila won even after being on season 3. I think the queens deserve at least a year before another Queen from their season gets crowned.
  13. I’m loving this season as well!!! Although the only bad thing was the wigs last episode. Also, Cult was really good!! It’s Hotel & Freakshow which were the worst.
  14. SkullPop


    I can relate but I need all my faves unreleased ? I want all of Charli, Lana, Marina, Kim, Allie X, & a few of my other faves. Just cause it’s not that much & OMG yours must be huuuuge!!! My collection of released & unreleased only takes up around 50GB
  15. SkullPop


    omg thank you so much!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
  16. SkullPop


    Y'all I just got an iPhone 7! Yay & all but it's my first iPhone & how do I download my illegal music?!? It don't let me download shit. Even when I extract zips it doesn't let me download. Even from mega. Wtf do I do ??
  17. TBH to me these are bad jokes to be caught with! Although, I have no doubt in my bones that most celebrities have made jokes that could get them cancelled! If they do fire him it's probably cause he works for Disney in the end & they don't wanna harm their "golden" reputation. Although, not sure if this is true but I did her crazy shit. Supposedly, one of his old friends got arrested for distributing child pornography & it was said that he had copies of such films for enjoyment. In that case, if it's real he should've been arrested a long time ago. But, I'm not sure if it is so let him stay!
  18. So true!! I wonder how this season will be like too! I heard it'll be darker, but I'm not sure.
  19. I mean with a season 9, I doubt there will be an actual apocalypse. It'll probably be about trying to prevent it, causing the witches to get involved.
  20. Tbh, the title isn't hyping me up. Maybe that's good so I'm left hairless! Anywho though I'm excited to see what's it gonna be like. The I insider this season gave us lots of clues! Like that you won't immediately tell it's a crossover, but that it'll eventually blend into one & that Emma Roberts won't be in episode one. Of course, Sarah Paulson is again playing multiple characters & it'll revolve hugely around them. They also confirmed the murder house aspect would be maybe seeing the house & characters, but it's not too focused on it. I think that's good as not only is it it's own season, but it adds depth to it with the crossover. It won't be super cheap that way too!
  21. I agree! It'd be nice to even get 4 new people ?
  22. Oop! I had no idea about those incidents! Now that you mention it, I think I vaguely remember her getting arrested ?. But yeah that's fucked up. Was that other Russell Crowe incident before he spat on her? I know that guy RZA confessed to lying. Idk, I legit haven't been updated on DISGASTING Bank's drama besides her beefs with celebs. The only thing, I've really been torn on with her was the animal sacrifices. At the end of the day, I respect whoever's religion as long as they don't hurt others. I just hope the chickens were killed quickly & with mercy. Similarly to Natives! If she honors the animals I think it'd at least be better.
  23. Who has she physically abused? I'm not joking ? She at least apologized!!! IDK, I personally feel unbothered because people like Chris Brown are still famous. Also hope Russel Crowe gets dragged!
  24. She works with Dr. Luke boo. Nowadays, that's considered problematic! I personally don't, but social media certainly does. Both are queens though!!
  25. I love this site so much!!! Only wish there was a bit more activity, not too much though. Wouldn't want it get annoying like atrl or become headache inducing like Lanaboards can be like at times. Especially now, while she's MIA.
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