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Everything posted by shout87

  1. I still want her Disney Mobile songs to leak. They've gotta be out there. Didn't they come with the phone?
  2. I'd still like to hear Hilary's take on it tho.
  3. Is it beginning again?
  4. It's from the This Heart sessions. Hope it leaks.
  5. I still dont know why they did that. Hilary even sang the movie version in concert.
  6. Btw, the happy filter sounds fan made. Little Voice sounds like someone just chopped the talking out. Come Clean sounds like her real voice without autotuned (in other words, raw vocal there).
  7. Would be nice if it were true. Would love more This Heart outtakes. Theres still a couple left that people have.
  8. I do need the original HD album. There are slight differences to DYWM, Weird, and HA too.
  9. Lol, it's fine. I'll find a converter. Would still like them.
  10. Yes please. In 320 tho if possible?
  11. Yes please thank you so much so you have his version of white christmas too?
  12. Can we have a review leaks thread or something? LOL Every time a post happens, I think a leak happened
  13. I was thinking about this too the other day but it could also just be a stock instrumental.
  14. What?!?! I don't even care if it's a cover and my friend scolds me for over listening to it (she doesn't care for her covers-tho she did like a majority of the This Heart leaks). I'm ready!!
  15. They should release a soundtrack to Younger (include Little Lies, the original Outlaw, and a couple outtakes from the EDM stuff). Or just an EP of sorts. Maybe even a new cover like you said. Just something. I gotta keep telling myself that these songs are old and she hasn't even hit the studio yet xD
  16. Just keep in mind, according to her, the dance EDM are more dark sounding (probably closer to her cover of Little Lies). So they won't be as 'up' sounding as the Sweden tracks.
  17. It really is exciting. Hurts is growing on me.
  18. Long shot but does anybody have the original file for this? Apparently this was sent out to the fanclub as an official audio around the time of Pretty.Odd.: If not, I'll just have to deal with a youtube rip.
  19. Could I just sell my soul (or whatever is left of it) instead? Maybe a kidney perhaps? Idk but I need these tracks. Also if we got these, and ever got hold of Imperfection, Just Hold Me, Smile, Happy (Original) the tour covers of Love is a Battlefield and Major Tom, we pretty much would have Dignity Part 2. I just can't.
  20. I'm honestly surprised Andre hasn't done something to this extent. I thought it did end bitterly between them? Oh, can you imagine he starts posting stuff on bandcamp or whatever and we get a ton of outtakes from each album going back to the Lizzie sessions?! I'd just DIE! But that stuff only happens with Lana and whoever's popular these days lol (Can't you tell I'm bitter about not having any leaks from the Duffster? LOL)
  21. I could've sworn she was doing an album after D2 got shelved (which Twisted comes from) but Disney pulled the project halfway through and they put out Best Of? Idk. After Dignity it's such a mistery what happened. And of course, Hilary won't talk about it (understandable). She did one spot for Best Of and she looked embarrassed when the host said 'you have a best of cd out'.
  22. Unsure. I know there's a low quality clip of her and Haylie singing it live on some Now Disc that's on youtube. But I agree. Enough of Lana/Charlie 100 alternates of the same songs. Give me the Duffster lol
  23. From what some insider said, there's not much for Most Wanted which, I believe they could be right. Remember, MW was a rush job as she didn't have time and Disney wanted something new by Duff each year. There's maybe like 2 outtakes if anything PLUS a song she wrote for The Perfect Man that didn't get used. MW really should've been an 'outtakes' + the new songs type of album more than anything if she really didn't have time. A 'greatest hits' or even 'collection' sounds bad after only 2 albums and at a young age. I also don't think there was much for the self titled either. We got a lot of stuff from that era (ACS ost songs, Anything But Up, Who's That Girl Demo leaked, My Generation). There's a song called Like I Care that was probably for those sessions but still remains unreleased. Meta had I Need a Sunday with Haylie which is unreleased. Meta, Dignity, and BIBO are the most we would see any and a lot of unreleased sessions if we could just get a hold of them somehow.
  24. I honestly don't know what was what for Dignity/Best Of. All I know is, it wasn't her idea about Best Of. People have told me that she wanted to release D2 (two album set-Dignity original album, and a remixed side with Reach Out, Holiday, & Love Is A Battlefield studio. It was also rumored that the original Happy from the Material Girls trailer would make the cut along with the one Awards show mashup of With Love that she did in 07). I wanna say that she was working on other stuff post Dignity (like Twisted and other material but Disney shelved both D2 and the new project and just decided to put out Best Of and push Reach Out). Both Disney and RCA screwed her over so bad, honestly. I don't see her coming back to music any time soon. That's why I'm glad stuff seems to slowly be getting in the hands of traders (which ultimately will leak eventually -- come on, its inevitable. People are always here for the Duffster). But just how long it'll take for stuff to leak, is the question. Known Dignity/Post Dignity Outtakes: -"Just Hold Me", "Imperfection", "I Will", "Not Another Chance", "Heroine", "Twisted", "Major Tom (Cover)", "Love Is A Battlefield (Cover)", "Mickey Mouse Club March (Cover)", "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes (Cover)", "When You Wish Upon A Star (Cover)", "Happy (Original Demo)", "Play With Fire (Original Demo)", "Danger (Unmastered)", "Stranger (Unmastered)", and "Burn (Burned Unmastered)" and any demo versions from the supposed demo cd that some fan apparently has (minus With Love). I'm sure there are ton more.
  25. I'll seriously die inside if stuff starts leaking by Hilary. SO MUCH stuff is just sitting in vaults: Disney Mobile Songs, Dignity outtakes, ugh!! I doubt there's a whole lot to extra to the 1st and 2nd albums but I'm sure there's a couple gems hidden away. I would love to hear her version The Way You Do The Things You Do from Raise Your Voice (if she actually recorded a cover of it that is and it's not just what's in the movie).
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