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Everything posted by shout87

  1. Also some people have Snow Globe and a couple other things vaulted so we're not getting stuff any time soon.
  2. Gotta just be the AI from youtube. Nothing of hilary leaks and there hasn't been enough angry issues around her like the this heart mess for it to happen again ant time soon. Doubt she covered the original theme to LM. The old source did say she wrote and recorded a song for The Perfect Man movie but was scrapped. I really wanna hear the original Material Girl songs (Original Happy and Smile).
  3. It was apparently some big thing in Japan with Disney but guess never took off. But she sounds great on a dream is a wish your heart makes. I wish we knew more about the supposed scrapped album before best of happened. I remember someone saying she had instrumentals sent her way and was writing to them and it got pulled. That's where twisted probably comes from. Wish we could hear even a clip. Interesting about Silent Night. The same source did say there was a SCL outtake so guess it's that one.
  4. Wish her music would leak more. She's too busy raising a family to go back to it. Unpopular opinion but I want the disney mobile phone tracks to leak in full too
  5. Avril Lavigne - anything pre Head Above Water Kelly Clarkson - anything RCA cuz well lol Aly & AJ/78violet - pre Into the Rush demo cd, Once upon a time full demo, HR1 tracks, Lover of Kinds, Ten Years demo Hilary Duff - anything HR, well anything else really Jesse McCartney - Damaged, I Gotta Know, No Worries, Rewind, Just Another Girl LIGHTS - pre EP demo cd (the snippet of Crutch came from this but the person disappeared when they got cyber bullied by a forum)
  6. Fixed it for you.
  7. Hilary Duff (anything Hollywod Records- the early mixes to come clean, whos that girl and the 5 track dignity promo were flukes). Avril Lavigne (anything RCA practically. Wont let you go was probably a fluke too because i think it leaked with the 3 instrumentals. Id asay anything Epic too but we got the Chavril wedding song so who knows?) Kelly Clarkson (well we all know why lol. 2010-2013 was fun) LIGHTS (no one cares about her here so...some fan has a cd of pre ep tracks amd posted a clip of one called Crutch but forum members scared him off) Aly & AJ (unpredictable really but i know Once Upon a Dream and the pre Into the Rush demo cd wont leak)
  8. Is this real or fanmade?
  9. Bahaha. But in the snippet she doesnt sound bad. The productiob, yes lol but still hope the full comes out one day (especially if no one cares for it haha). I mean no one cares for Picture This....
  10. Thank you. Its santa claus lane gone edm lmao
  11. If thats it can someone upload it to kraken or onlyfiles please?
  12. Hoping itll leak tho.
  13. Any hilary track from rca at this point is worth it.
  14. Is thats whats circulating? I know its toggled on lastfm lol
  15. Technically, Get Over It was on the Sk8er Boi single. But tgis version of Why is completely new and unreleased!! So we really got 2 new revamped old tracks. The others just spund tweaked and beefed up a bit to make them sound fresh I suppose.
  16. Why is a brand new recording but alternate vocal take. Why wasnt this version issued back then? It fits better than the acoustic version even tho I love that one. Some of the tracks sound beefed up too.
  17. HR1 is what fans know as the demo collection. The girls say it wasnt an album per say. But a batch of songs made before the actual shelvee 78v album we now have minus the master of walk alone tonight.
  18. Any from the HR1 demo album? I know that 2 are circulating. Also any Hilary titles going around? I know most of the RCA stuff is out but any HWR aside from Twisted?
  19. Probably something random she did. Doubt she'll do anything with it sadly.
  20. Maybe her and Matthew should be safe in the studio making a new album or 10. Just saying ?
  21. Great. Im missing some remixes in my collection.
  22. Well, Hilary also said that too.
  23. figured. Love is a Battlefield. Also the Material Girls trailer version of Happy was supposed to be on their too.
  24. Lol figures.
  25. I would love a studio version of that. Rumor has it that this version was gonna be on Dignity2.
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