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Everything posted by melaniespacifier

  1. Thanks! Do you have a link to that page? Mine looks different / i cant find much??? im so bad at this yikes
  2. What site is this? The only ones I know of are BMI and warner chappel, but i see similar screenshots all the time and always wonder where this is
  3. some youtube user called melanie babies posted a link to the song but then deleted it, they said they were gonna leak snippets through links in the description, but im not sure how real it is (whether they actually will), but its worth checking I guess. and tbh I reckon its called band aid
  4. I doubt he would lmao
  5. Thank you ♥♥
  6. This is kinda mel related I guess?? anyway, the guy that leaks hella on twitter, @chasethathigh was suspended after posting the 'rebound' snippets (I know its not called rebound) but apparently theres a new acc for him?? Does anyone know what it is? xx
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