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Everything posted by Gay

  1. I've seen - Westlife when i was like 5. - Avril lavigne (Bonez tour) - Fall out boy (I Still Don't Know The Lyrics) - Kylie (Aphrodite lady seashell bikini: the tour.) - The Killers (SOMEBODY TOLD MEH THATUHADABOYFRAND WHOLOOKLIKAGIRLFRND) - Gaga (born this way ball, twice) - Armin van Buuren (the true artRAVE) - Celine Dion (I wish I were a fan when I when I went to this concert, but i just remember hating every second of it. I was like 10) omg i almost forgot - Atomic Kitten (I dont remember the actual concert but I remember going. I probably enjoyed it.)
  2. omg it was intense! And then the born this way ball started and indonesia trying to block gaga from performing was way more exciting. the rest is histoRIH
  3. it's so weird cause i feel like i've wasted sooooo many years of my life defending porcelain, hoping for something to happen and it just never did. She's done a lot of dumb shit in the past. like, if she wasn't fighting with red(uctive)one or jeffree*, she was stirring up bullshit with every piece of shit she could find. She suffocated every opertunity she was given to have her own successful career because she's a fucking idiot. She has literally been a trainwreck from the start. I love her soOO SOOo much though
  4. Cool! i love these unusual mash ups that you'd never expect to actually fit / flow into each other... like this Disco Heaven VS applause mix on soundcloud
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