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Everything posted by Hanelts

  1. If it weren't for the catfights I would've dropped this show after the first episode that being said, the fights are amazing to watch The grave push Fallon's constant sex jokes Dragging Sammy Jo for litterally doing nothing Just every scene with Fallon and Cristal tbh
  2. Yesterday was ROBBED and should've been at least a bonus track ^this, he's just producing the tracks now (which isn't much different than Leo Rising, just this time he isn't on backing vocals #BringNickBack2k18)
  3. I thought this was gonna be a "delete it fat" style story from the title Anyway I WOULD'VE DIED OMG, you're the chosen one (literally)
  4. Didn't know my flop taste would be exposed like this can't wait for the next rate
  5. Come thru Mind Maze at 15th place!
  6. Judging from your reaction I gotta hide what I rated those
  7. you need taste & style, consider urself BLOCKED
  8. Got 8 days of school left till I graduate :spy: I can't handle when my internet dies how can I cope with the outside world :awkwardney:

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Plot twist: The outside world only exists if you get out of bed, so if you stay in your bedroom all day it will never bother you. :spy:

    2. Hanelts


      It's no different than what I do now but it sounds like a plan! :dealwithit:

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @Hanelts :cackle: You and me both sis, reality is overrated!

  9. Sent in my rates Can't wait for my flop taste to be judged
  10. The way she acts can seem very... artificial sometimes but at the same time I guess the videos are part of the whole Qveen Herby experience, hopefully once she gains her footing a bit things will seem more natural
  11. nnnnn the amount of iconic lines in this thread
  12. (Not sure if this is the right section, don't yell at me if it is my inactive ass is still learning ) So I'm gonna go ahead and assume you've heard of the flop duo known as Karmin, creator of the eternal bop Brokenhearted and personal bane of my existence Acapella (). After being signed to Epic and making "swag-pop" () for 3 years, only releasing an EP and an almost universally shat on album which deserves so much better, they decided it was time to break free from the confines of label-dictated, family-friendly pop music to make what they've always wanted to make... more pop music. . Leo Rising was a great album, but it was a long, messy struggle from conception to the final release, with a list of broken promises beginning to rival Gags herself's list (Leo Rising Movie The Ransom Note Can't Live music video Karmin Covers Vol. 2 a damn tour for the album ). After messy era of bops, it seemed like it was time to take a step back and have a long hard think about priorities: namely, what type of music to make, how to present themselves, and most likely how to shove Nick further into the background . The result? Qveen Herby. With 8 songs released in the first 4 months, she's really been on the creative grind which is more than I can say for my other flop queens (We're waiting Carly, where's Emotion Side C, D, E, F & G? ) From the fast-paced bars of Busta Rhymes to launching a clothing store, from an extremely one-sided almost-feud between her and Azalia to the stanning of CupcakKe , this era of Amy & Nick Noonan has already proved to be one full of bops and promise. Now listen to her new track Wifey + the good sis Busta Rhymes below & stan ha before I come for your faves (don't drag me I'm tryna not be inactive for once)
  13. Top Artist: Lady Gaga Top Track: Run Away With Me - Carly Rae Jepsen (The surprise is where ) Most Active Hour: 11pm Danceability: 54% Energetic: 40% (The three songs it showed in the preview were all from artpop ) Average BPM: 9... yeah idk either Top Genre: Pop Diversity: You Know What You Want You Are What Your Stream: Turnt, Partier,
  14. 14. a song that reminds you of someone you would prefer to forget 15. a song to cheer you up 16. saddest song you know Not the saddest one I know but still not a happy time 17. something you’ve heard performed live
  15. 11. a song under 2 minutes long 12. a song with a name in the title 13. a song that reminds you of summertime
  16. 9. a song with a number in the title 10. a song over 5 minutes long
  17. 6. a song tied to a specific moment in your life 7. a song which you would like to be played at your wedding 8. a song that is not sung in a language you speak I couldnt find the album version unpitched on youtube so just imagine I posted the album version
  18. 5:
  19. There was a kid called Alejandro at school and once this song came out everyone gave him crap about it
  20. 2. a song with a reference to drugs or alcohol Edit: wow mess @ me not realising this was posted right before me
  21. 1. a song from the year you were born in Watch me forget to update this until day 43
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