(Not sure if this is the right section, don't yell at me if it is my inactive ass is still learning )
So I'm gonna go ahead and assume you've heard of the flop duo known as Karmin, creator of the eternal bop Brokenhearted and personal bane of my existence Acapella ().
After being signed to Epic and making "swag-pop" () for 3 years, only releasing an EP and an almost universally shat on album which deserves so much better, they decided it was time to break free from the confines of label-dictated, family-friendly pop music to make what they've always wanted to make... more pop music. .
Leo Rising was a great album, but it was a long, messy struggle from conception to the final release, with a list of broken promises beginning to rival Gags herself's list (Leo Rising Movie The Ransom Note Can't Live music video Karmin Covers Vol. 2 a damn tour for the album ). After messy era of bops, it seemed like it was time to take a step back and have a long hard think about priorities: namely, what type of music to make, how to present themselves, and most likely how to shove Nick further into the background . The result?
Qveen Herby.
With 8 songs released in the first 4 months, she's really been on the creative grind which is more than I can say for my other flop queens (We're waiting Carly, where's Emotion Side C, D, E, F & G? ) From the fast-paced bars of Busta Rhymes to launching a clothing store, from an extremely one-sided almost-feud between her and Azalia to the stanning of CupcakKe , this era of Amy & Nick Noonan has already proved to be one full of bops and promise.
Now listen to her new track Wifey + the good sis Busta Rhymes below & stan ha before I come for your faves (don't drag me I'm tryna not be inactive for once)