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Everything posted by britneyspearsfeatmadonna

  1. That's my go-to WYR question and I'm surprised at how evenly split the response is.
  2. The Born This Way aesthetics were so gorgeous.
  3. This is probably as close as we'll get:
  4. I just raised a Pokemon to level 100 for the first time! It's my trusty Lanturn, Flounder, on Heart Gold/Soul Silver. Water type Pokemon are the best.
  5. Be able to speak any language, or be able to play any instrument? Lose the internet for a year, or have your search history revealed to the world? Only be able to listen to Britney Jean, or only be able to listen to Prism? Only be able to sweat mayonnaise, or only be able to eat mayonnaise
  6. I've been watching Chewing Gum on Netflix and it's hilarious. The main character is such a mess in the best way. I'm also planning to rewatch AHS Asylum sometime soon. (The best season)
  7. Brooklyn Nights is better than anything on Artpop.
  8. Katy Perry feat. Guy Fieri is a better idea than Katy Perry feat. Migos.
  9. I'm so late to this thread, but thank you! Leona has such a great voice! It's so sad that her career nose dived after Bleeding Love.
  10. The JC Chasez solo album was surprisingly good but the official art is so bad. So I made this. I doubt anyone else is still listening to this album, but if you are...
  11. The amount of effort this must have taken! I'm blown away. This is better than like 99 percent of actual physical releases.
  12. I've seen Kanye, Carly Rae Jepsen, and Jessie Ware. I had tickets to see Gaga but got food poisoning and couldn't make it
  13. His career's all but over now. I hope Kesha has an amazing comeback!
  14. I forgot to post their best remix:
  15. I'm still hoping this happens.
  16. This is just testing the waters for her presidential campaign in 2020.
  17. There were maybe two good songs on this album. That song on Bangerz about pissing herself was better than 3/4 of Dead Petz.
  18. I still can't believe these two flopped so hard. One Touch is basically one catchy hook after the other, and Left My Heart In Tokyo did decently on the charts, right?
  19. Very Hozier, in a good way. 9.5/10
  20. Only if you want to! The original Nothing Fails cover is a bit of a disaster:
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