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Everything posted by britneyspearsfeatmadonna

  1. It sucks when your town doesn't get much attention on tour dates. I grew up in Milwaukee and we didn't get anyone!
  2. She who hates Dua Lipa hates life
  3. I am living for these recaps. I love this show!
  4. Especially not Can't Stop The Feeling era Justin.
  5. This is amazing! Definitely fits the LDR vibe better than the official cover.
  6. That Leona Lewis cover is flawless!
  7. I'll start the GoFundMe!
  8. These are great! I love the pastels on the second one.
  9. Amazing! I need a new Britney unreleased cover and this is perfect!
  10. Using this immediately! Amazing!
  11. I wish I could get access to Xenomania's servers. Imagine how many great unreleased albums they have on there!
  12. Thanks for posting this! I really liked Revival and I've been meaning to get into her older stuff.
  13. Gonna second the Black Mirror recommendation.
  14. Would you rather eat a horse or eat a house? Would you rather have legs as long as your fingers, or fingers as long as your legs? Would you rather give up chocolate for life, or give up cheese for life? Would you rather always feel like you have to pee, or always feel like you have to sneeze?
  15. She has the best Twitter account in the whole rap game.
  16. Gorgeous! This looks so professional!
  17. This is one of my favorite books ever and the series totally holds up!
  18. All I've heard are the songs that were on their album sampler. Apparently there are more that have been scribbled to Last.fm but I don't think they've leaked yet.
  19. They should release a duet album that's just 13 Same Old Loves.
  20. I love this, it fits the vibe of the EP so much better than the official artwork!
  21. I'm hoping for a The Boy Is Mine 2.0
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