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  • Birthday November 18

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  1. im strayt
  2. i understood absolutely nothing
  3. Happy Birthday, baby!!! May your dreams come true, sunshine! :sassy: 



      thank you so much daddy!! :sassy: 

  4. im strate!!!1
  5. @Tweener could cosplay Miley from Wrecking Ball video and post sum pics. a friend is asking
  6. It's a filter by Logan, he must have got the official instrumental
  7. this not a laughing matter, preach @blackoutbaby sis
  8. after hearing Happy I thought she had life figured out. Sad to hear she's struggling. She should take all the time she needs
  9. Sorry I'm late to the party, happy birthday !!

    1. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Thank you daddy! :yaskween: Nice to see you around again, I've missed you! <3 

  10. i dont really listen to him either and im pretty sure we dont hear his songs on the radio here in europe. but he seems to be a pretty big thing in the US? Take Your Time and some other songs of his seem to be doing well (looking at youtube views and spotify plays at least) and the dude was nominated for a grammy for best country album
  11. "and there don't seem to be any males making waves in pop music with this kind of sound" Hasn't like Sam Hunt been doing country-pop for like two or three years now at least?
  12. it wasnt that bad tho???? im more tired of all these cheap thrills'esque songs which dominated last year, we need a throwback to chandelier
  13. she better come thru with a power ballad
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