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Everything posted by tckills

  1. but why white girl wasted and not on with my bad self or runaway?????
  2. yeah it happens a lot with cross platform games from this generation that comes to xbox here in brazil and it sucks cause i don't like playstation so i bought the series x and i wanted to start a collection but... so sometimes i end up spending money that i don't have just to get the xbox physical "brazilian" edition (with portuguese on the back cover) of a random third-party game that magically appeared on amazon with only 3 in stock
  3. i looooove buying games second hand but we didn't get a physical version of hogwarts legacy for xbox here in brazil so...
  4. currently playing hogwarts legacy and yakuza 0 and trying to make time to play atomic heart
  5. so... we never really got hit man in high quality right?!
  6. Your Room by Tamar Braxton
  8. BIIITCCCHHHH this is AMAZING i'm in love
  9. T H I S I S A B O P
  11. and your work is amazing honey i need this in my hands !
  12. we're married
  13. i'll try to be more active here so i can hit the right number of posts so i can see the masterpost
  14. BBBBBIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'M TOO FUCKING EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the runway looks ARE TOO DIE FOR and i really hope there is a club kid theme for the runway
  15. YOU'RE SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. OH MY GOD YOU GUYS!!!!!! MY HEART IS SO WARM FROM ALL THE LOVE thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you and my boyfriend said hi and he's thanking you guys for the love you all are giving to me
  17. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the bad memories always stays! jk my memories now they're okay the doctors they just worried about small things, like names(people,places)/actual places and things like that the "bigger" ones never really went away but i had to do some work on them. and thanks baby
  18. Thank you guys, i really do appreciate all the love
  19. Saitama (the place where the show happened and they got the soundboard audio) held the sixth to the eighth show from the tour she only did Princess Die a few shows later
  20. oh my god thank you so so so so so much! and yes we're okay now everything is good, he still has some scars on the leg he broke but is nothing serious and i never thought that i would get so much love here PHF is definitely my new home now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. thank you
  22. this place is really nice, i love it here, even tho i don't post often sometimes i just like to read what you guys post here this is how i spend my free time now
  23. thanks baby i appreciate
  24. I registered in this forum around july of 2016. I was here for a minute, people might not even remember me and i don't really think you guys would, but whatever. By the end of august i got into a car crash, my boyfriend was driving me back to my house when it happened. That car crash got me into a almost 4 month coma, i woke up from it in the middle of january. So that's why i've been away, and, i'm still in the process of getting back some "small" memories and the first thing i tried was, getting back on here, remembering my username and password (i had to get a new one but that's ok at least i remembered my username). btw: my boyfriend broke some bones (1 leg + 1 arm) and had some ugly bruises on his face (i saw some pictures and i couldn't stop crying), but now he's completely fine! So, i hope i'm still welcomed here and i hope i can have fun again here!! love you all
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